Assassin's Creed Unity - A Cautious Alliance, Meeting with Mirabeau, Bellec fight

Publish date: 2023-06-02
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When you're in charge of Arno once more, start following Elise. As soon as you reach the ultimate destination this first objective will automatically complete itself.

Investigate the Workshop and kill the Shooters

This is the same building where you handled Germain back in The Silversmith memory. You do in fact need to make your way to the room where you first spoke with him.

When you go through the door you'll need to turn straight around and find some cover. If you don't care about completing Challenges, just let the Seeker get near the door and then kill him from cover. Follow this up with a similar kill to handle the Extremist.

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If you want to complete the Smoke Bomb challenge, however, you'll need to use them on these enemies first. Just be ready for a tougher fight if you take this approach. When these two are dead, kill the enemy attacking Elise to start a new cut-scene.

If you want to tick off another Challenge in this memory, you'll have to make sure that you shoot three of the shooters in the head. Thankfully they're pretty easy targets for ticking this one off, so just get into cover and then fire away until you're done with the lot of them. When all five of them are dead, you'll automatically end this memory.

A Cautious Alliance Challenges

Meeting with Mirabeau

You won't be able to start working on either of this memory's Challenges until the final section, so for now we'll just crack right on with the main story. First things first, go up both flights of stairs and then walk into the waypoint marker.

Investigate the Crime Scene

To finish this objective, you'll need to track down and investigate three bits of evidence spread around the room. Note that there are four in total that you can mess around with. Here's where you'll find each one:

Finally, you'll have the opportunity to accuse Elise of murder.

Speak to Master Quemar and tackle the Apothecary

Exit the building the way you came in, and head down the street until you reach Master Quemar. After the cut-scene, run towards the next waypoint marker to start another cinematic. The next section of the game not only has you running around Paris, it also allows you to start working on your Challenges.

When the chase starts, slide over or under a couple of objects in the tunnel, then use the lift to get up on the rooftops when the door's shut in front of you. The remaining two parts of the Challenge can be finished off while you scramble along up here, or when the chase ends in the park. It's very easy to tackle your target though, so don't be too quick to grab him if you still need to finish the Challenge.

Meeting with Mirabeau Challenges

Investigate the trail and confront Bellec

To finish up this first objective, simply use your Eagle Vision to find Mirabeau's assassin, then make your way to Sainte-Chappelle. Keep using your Eagle Vision to track how your target clambered up the building, then follow him until you're on a balcony on the building's southern side.

Before this significant fight, you should keep in mind the pair of Challenges associated with this memory. The first requires you to deliver a total of five Staggering Strikes, and you'll need to have unlocked the related skill if you want to perform them. The trickier second one requires you to stop Bellec from knocking you down. Your dodge button will help you out here - when Bellec drops a shoulder, make sure you roll away from the danger immediately.

The fight against Bellec is separated into four different phases, each one of which is slightly trickier than the last. Avoid using your Smoke Bombs in the early rounds, and be aware that each one of these phases is separated by a cut-scene.

During the opening phase, use your Perfect Parry to keep him on his toes and get some decent whacks in against him. Bellec's a little more aggressive in the second round, but you should have no trouble pushing through. Throw a Smoke Bomb into play at the start of the third phase to make things much easier, and just keep dodging and attacking when you can until the next cut-scene begins.

The fourth phase is by far the toughest, not least because Bellec now uses Smoke Bombs himself. The trick to surviving this final part of the fight is to keep listening for Elise's voice. When she warns you, dodge out of the way immediately to avoid Bellec's devastating strike. Keep piling Smoke Bombs onto Bellec and just dish out your own damage until he's dead.

Bellec fight Challenges

Stuck on something else? The rest of our Assassin's Creed Unity strategy guide can be found from the first page of this article.

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