Assassin's Creed Unity - The Silversmith, Germain, Brute, La Halle Aux Bles, The Prophet

Publish date: 2022-08-31
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Stay on the rooftops and just make your way over towards the north-eastern section of the building. Keep your eyes peeled for a load of Extremists guarding the area, but you should also be able to see a pair of windows that can be used to slip inside the building.

Find Germain and kill the thugs

When you get inside, move into cover along the western wall of the starting room, then use your Eagle Vision to get a bead on the trio of guards waiting in the next room along. As soon as one of these Extremists moves by the door, take him out with a cover kill. Now slip into position behind the guard at the desk and kill him, before taking out the Extremist by the window in a similar fashion.

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Make your way back into the room you started off in and go up to the locked door. Pick it to start making progress towards one of the Challenges in this memory. Don't worry about walking through it once it's open, and instead just go west until you come to a room with a handy hiding place. A pair of Brutes are in the next room, so sneak in and take them down silently when the moment is right.

The double-doors along the western wall will take you to Germain, but don't go through them until you've picked the nearby locked door. Take the Artifact from the wall, then open yet another locked door on the opposite side of where you are. Make sure you don't get spotted by the Extremist. When you're done, make your way back towards those double-doors, walk through them, and enjoy the next cut-scene.

Once the cut-scene with Germain is over, you need to create a clear path to safety for him. First, get into cover behind the door just ahead of the pack of thugs, then use your Eagle Vision to coordinate a stealthy attack on the two to the right. When they're both dead, move in to kill the remaining Extremist who's standing by the window.

Grab all the loot you can from the corpses, then keep moving forwards until you come to some stairs - get into cover. This is a good opportunity to finish the second Challenge in this memory. Equip your Berserk Blades and target the Brute at the window. Let him tackle the Extremists when they attack him, then use your sword or Phantom Blade to pick off anyone who's left standing. Don't forget to loot everything before heading forwards towards a new room and a new Extremist.

The moment you spot him he'll start moving away. Get in behind him quickly and quietly to take him down, then move forwards and finish the Brute and Extremist. This is a good deal easier if you've unlocked the Double Assassination skill, but is still very much doable without it. Just be fast about your business here, so no-one has a chance to scatter.

Before moving forwards, go into the side room and use your lock-picking skills on the nearby door. This should hopefully be the fourth and final lock you need to pick for your lock-picking Challenge.

Four more enemies - including a Brute - are waiting for you a couple of rooms ahead from your previous position. Once again, use your Berserker Blade to complete the Brute Challenge, let everyone fight amongst themselves, then finish off the stragglers. As soon as the room is clear, head inside and go through the door on your left.

At this point you should be able to see a couple of waypoint markers that lead you to Extremists on the balconies. Get into a flanking position and take them both out using Air Assassinations. When you're done, simply head back to Germain and deal with his assailants to wrap up this memory.

The Silversmith Challenges

La Halle Aux Bles

You'll want to be very stealthy for the greater part of this next memory, but that will make it very difficult to complete your pistol kill Challenge. To get it done, make sure you kill the three Extremists near to your starting position using pistol shots, then holster your guns for the rest of the mission.

When you're done with the Extremists, keep your eyes peeled for a tree that you can use to slip inside the building. Get onto the ground, then quietly head north past the pair of guards by the door. Keep heading forwards, ignoring the Extremists on your left, and find a hiding place you can use for cover.

From this position, watch the Extremists on your left and wait until they turn their backs to you. When that happens, sneak up and take them down silently. When you're finished, get up onto the nearby barrels and make your way to the platform with the Extremist. Take him out, then use the rope to get into the next room.

At this point you should be able to see a new waypoint marker that leads you towards a load of barrels. Make your way towards them to start a new cut-scene.

This is your opportunity to complete the second of this memory's Challenges. Slide over the barrels in the centre of this room, then slide through the gap in the wall. Next, go through the window onto the beam before sliding under yet another obstacle. After dodging the explosion, clamber up the rubble and then jump down, before sliding over the next load of barrels. Challenge completed.

You still need to escape the area. Keep running, jumping and climbing along the linear path ahead of you until you're at the top of la Halle aux Bles. You'll know you've made it to safety when a new cut-scene is automatically triggered.

Le Hall Aux Bles Challenges

The Prophet

Head forwards at ground level and enter the graveyard when you see an opening to your left. Take a left again straight afterwards, head downstairs, then go along the tunnel until you come to an opportunity to defend some gravediggers. Drop a Smoke Bomb, then get stuck into the Templars. When you're done, you'll see that underground help is available.

Carry on through the catacombs until you come to some stairs. Go up them, but stop before you reach the top and switch your Eagle Vision on. This will give you the location of a pair of guards. You can take one down silently before dealing with the other one in a straight fight.

You can find two alarm bells for your Challenge in this area, and your Eagle Vision should light them up on your mini-map. Use a cover kill to finish the Brute, then disable both alarms. Watch out for the guard by the second bell through. You'll also find the plans you need for this mission nearby.

For the next part, we chose to complete the alarm bell Challenge before hiding in a haystack. You'll find the third one to the west, with two guards nearby. Kill the first one silently, then pick the second one off when he comes over to investigate.

Now go south-west to find the final alarm bell near a gate and surrounded by rubble. Switch your Eagle Vision on to make sure there's no danger nearby, then interact with this alarm bell to complete one of your Challenges. Now get in the haystack located in the compound's west corner, and make a note of the door and lift nearby - you'll need the lift for your eventual escape.

Assassinate Lafreniere

When you're back in charge of Arno, look for the three nearby guards - one's up against the haystack you're in, but get into cover before taking him down, so you can make progress towards your second challenge.

When you've killed him, head forwards and get into cover behind the tombstone by the second guard. Take him out when his friend isn't watching to get your second cover kill. Now just wait for the final guard to come back and investigate one of the bodies. Perform a third cover kill.

Your final task is to assassinate Lafreniere. Keep following the path to the east, going past an open gate, then a fountain, then a small building. When your target wanders by after a few minutes, take him down fast.

You final job is to make it back to the lift you noted earlier. Run there, use the lift to get up on the roof, then flee to safety. As soon as you get out of the shaded area on your map you'll trigger the end of this memory.

The Prophet Challenges

Head back to the first page for the rest of our Assassin's Creed Unity guide.

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