Bloodborne - Bloodlickers, Amygdalan Arm, Constable's Gloves, Oedon's Chapel shortcut

Publish date: 2023-01-03
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This article explains how to survive Bloodlickers in Bloodborne: The New Hunters.

If you're interested in more advice, our complete Bloodborne walkthrough and for the DLC our The Old Hunters guide and walkthrough can help.

Back outside the building, head down the hill and stop at the end of the path, just before the river of blood. Next, you'll need to deal with the parasitic creatures roaming the area - which you'll recognise if you've explored Castle Cainhurst in Bloodborne's main campaign.

How to kill the parasitic Bloodlickers

These blood-hungry beasts are identical to their Cainhurst counterparts, attacking with powerful claw-swipes and full-body lunges in close quarters - and favouring long-distance, poison-inducing spit-attacks from afar. You'll want to slip around to their rear during combat and attack their sensitive blood sacks - just be ready to dodge backward if they attempt to crush you.

Unfortunately, there are eight parasites in the area (four to the right and four to the left), and it's easy to get overwhelmed if you pinwheel around carelessly, aggro-ing them all during battle. The safest way to proceed is to use your gun and lure them toward you one-by-one.

For now, focus your attention on the four parasite creatures loitering to the right. Once they've all been eliminated and it's safe to continue, grab the Frenzied Coldblood (8) from the ground and start moving right, splashing along the river.

How to defeat the Gatling Gun hunter

Work your way around the abandoned carriage and proceed toward the large archway ahead, following the narrowing passage forward. You'll find a Scurrying Beast roaming the area, so defeat it quickly to procure a Blood Stone Shard then light your torch and pass deeper into the tunnel.

A little way into the darkness, you'll be set upon by a hunter wielding a Gatling Gun. His Gatling Gun attack is hard to avoid as you make your approach along the narrow passage - so you'll need to move quickly in order to escape his fire. Once you're up close, however, he's easy to deal with - just dodge around his relatively slow strikes and lay on the damage until he goes down. Once victory is yours, you'll receive the Gatling Gun as your prize.

Next, locate the Blood Stone Chunk toward the rear of the cave, and note the hole in the wall immediately to its left. There are some interesting items on the other side of the hole (along with a very angry beast), but there are better, safer ways to reach them.

Next, locate the Twin Stone Shards to the left of the room and make your way through the nearby archway, passing into the adjacent cavern. You'll immediately be attacked by several small beasts and a a larger huntsmen - although none should pose much of a threat.

How to beat The Old Hunters' Blood-Starved Beast

When the coast is clear, travel down the slope and glance to the right at the bottom, pocketing the Blood Stone Chunk nearby. Next, continue your journey deeper into the tunnel. Be extremely careful as you proceed, however. Shortly, you'll be ambushed by a powerful Blood-Starved Beast - who you might remember as an Old Yharnam boss in the main game.

The Blood-Starved Beast has a ton of health and can do some serious damage with its slashing claws. It can also leap a considerable distance, meaning that it's rarely wise to stand directly in front of it. The good news is that the beast is relatively easy to dodge - provided that you have the space to do so. As such, the safest tactic here is to lure the creature back into the larger, adjacent cavern before giving the fight your all.

Once the creature is dead, return to the passage where you first encountered it and continue on to the end. You'll find a number of Twin Blood Stone Shards here, as well as the extremely unusual Amygdalan Arm weapon. When all the items are yours, retrace your steps and leave the cave.

Back outside, move along the river of blood and approach the bridge ahead. You'll find three parasite creatures loitering under the bridge, so be careful. As before, your safest strategy is to lure them toward you one by one. Don't stray too close to the bridge during battle, however: you'll likely alert the gun-wielding hunters above to your presence, making things even more tricky.

Once all the enemies are defeated, head toward the stone steps on the left and grab the Blood Vial from the corpse nearby. Next, pass under the bridge and be ready to deal with the bomb-tossing enemy that attempts a sneak attack from the right. When he's down, ignore the three parasite creatures ahead for the time being and climb the long staircase to the right.

How to get hold of the Constable's Gloves

Take a sharp right at the top and immediately deal with the gun-toting hunter in the centre of the bridge. Next, polish off the two remaining hostiles then return the top of the staircase you just climbed. Stand with your back to the steps and note the split path ahead. First, make your way up the steep slope to the left and swipe the Constable's Gloves from the corpse on the right at the top.

Next, return to the steps and, this time, head down the shallow incline toward the archway a little to the right. Enter the building, walk along the passage and approach the tall, non-hostile figure standing motionless in a corner. Speak with the man and he'll explain the nature of the Hunter's Nightmare. When asked, state that you find nightmares fascinating.

Once your new friend is done talking, descend the steps to the left and pass through the door at the bottom. Quite unexpectedly, you'll find yourself back in Oedon's Chapel - with the starting lamp up the steps to your left. Consider this a shortcut well-earned!

- Keep reading for our guide to unlocking Bloodborne's Constable gear.

- Stuck somewhere else? Head back to the first page for the rest of our Bloodborne: The Old Hunters guide.

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