Bloodborne: Yahar'gul, Unseen Village and escaping the Death Dealer prison

Publish date: 2022-08-14
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This article explains how to explore Yahar'gul, Unseen Village in Bloodborne, following on from Axe Reaper and Vicar Amelia.

If you're interested in more advice, our complete Bloodborne walkthrough and for the DLC our The Old Hunters guide and walkthrough can help.

We made a Pungent Blood Cocktail from Bloodborne

If you came a cropper when fighting the Death Dealer a little earlier on in this walkthrough, you'll have ended up in Yahar'gul, Unseen Village. This region of the game is designed for much higher-level characters, so we'll show you how to sneak out of here and make it back to Hunter's Dream.

How to escape the Death Dealer prison in Yahar'gul

First things first, leave your starting position via the door on your right, then enter the next room on your right. Inside you'll find a corpse which has Thick Coldblood on it. Next, go down the stairs that are over in the left-hand corner of this room. Here you'll find yet another corpse, this time containing Frenzied Coldblood.

Next, make your way back upstairs and then go to the furthest left corner of the room you started off in. Head up the stairs, then walk through the door. After that, go downstairs and be ready to fight the Old Hags waiting for you. These enemies aren't very hard to defeat at all, but they are pretty agile on their feet, so be ready to kill them quickly.

To the left and right of you are cells, both of which contain a few Henchmen. If you get close to them, you'll wake them up and they'll start attacking you. Kill every last one of them, then have a rummage around the bodies here to pick up half a dozen Blood Vials, as well as a decent-sized stash of Quicksilver Bullets.

The next room along contains two Death Dealers. You've probably sussed out that fighting both of them isn't a good idea, because just one of them was enough to send you here in the first place. Head back instead to the stairs, and then go all the way up to the top. There are more Death Dealers waiting for you here, but there's also a lamp behind you as you reach the top. Get to it quickly and then use it be spirited back to Hunter's Dream.

- Keep reading for our Hemwich Charnel Lane guide.

- Head back to the first page for the rest of our Bloodborne walkthrough.

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