Civilization 6 new Civs - all new Civs in Rise and Fall and other Civ 6 DLC

Publish date: 2022-02-04

New Civs appear fairly regularly in Civilization 6 at this point, with one or two new ones popping up every couple of months alongside specific scenario packs, as well as a spate of new Civs and Leaders in the first major expansion, Rise and Fall.

Here on this page we'll give you a run through all of the new Civs from Civ 6 DLC specifically, so you know exactly which Civs you can get from which DLC pack as well as, of course, all of their unique traits, units and bonuses, too. You can check out the rest of the Leaders and Civs over in our original Civilization 6 Leader list page.

A quick note: we've refreshed out Civ 6 guides for the game's launch on Nintendo Switch, but just be aware that they contain information regarding the Rise and Fall DLC as well as the base game, which means some things only apply if you have that DLC! Otherwise... crack on!

Civilization 6 Interview - 18 minutes with lead designer, Ed Beach (plus some new gameplay)

On this page:

Civilization 6 new Civs in Rise and Fall

First up, here's a list of all the new Civs and their Leaders from the Rise and Fall expansion, of which there are nine new leaders and eight new civs - continue on down below for our list of other DLC Civs and Leaders, that have been added to the game after launch, too.

Civilization: Cree
Leader: Poundmaker

Cree Unique Ability - Nîhithaw: Gain +1 Trade Route capacity and a free Trader when you research Pottery. When a Trader moves into an unclaimed tile within three tiles of a Cree city, that city claims those tiles.
Cree Unique Unit - Okihtcitaw: Recon unit replacing the Scout, which takes slightly longer to produce but has double the combat strength and starts with one free promotion.
Cree Unique Infrastructure - Mekewap: Unique tile improvement that must be built next to a Bonus or Luxury Resource. Grants +1 Production, +1 Housing, +1 Gold for every adjacent Luxury resource, +1 Food for every two adjacent Bonus resources and another +1 Food for each adjacent Bonus resource with the Conservation Civic, and another +1 Gold for every two adjacent Luxury resources with the Cartography technology, and +1 Production and +1 Housing after getting Civil Service.
Poundmaker Unique Ability - Favourable Terms: All Alliances provide Shared Visibility, and Trade Routes grant +1 Food in the starting city and +1 Gold in the receiving city per Camp or Pasture in that receiving city.

Poundmaker Tips:

Civilization: Netherlands
Leader: Wilhelmina

Dutch Unique Ability - Grote Rivieren: Rivers provide +2 adjacency bonuses for Campuses, Theatre Squares, and Industrial Zones, and building a Hardbor provides a culture bomb, claiming surrounding tiles.
Dutch Unique Unit - De Zeven Provinciën: Renaissance Era ranged naval unit with increased Combat Strength and Ranged Strength, and a +7 bonus Combat Strength when attacking districts with defences.
Dutch Unique Infrastructure - Polder: Tile improvement that must be built on Coast or Lake tiles with at least three adjacent land tiles without hills or mountains. Grants +1 Food and Production, +1 Food for every adjacent Polder, +0.5 Housing, +4 Gold with Civil Engineering, +2 more Food and +1 more Production with Replacable Parts, and increases the movement cost of the tile to 3.
Wilhelmina Unique Ability - Radio Oranje: Your Trade Routes between your own cities grant +1 Loyalty per tern to the starting city, and Trade Routes to or from foreign cities provide +1 Culture to the Dutch.

Wilhelmina Tips:

Civilization: Georgia
Leader: Tamar

Georgia Unique Ability - Strength in Unity: When making a Dedication at the beginning of a Golden Age, you also gain the Normal Age versions bonus towards earning Era Points as well as the Golden Age bonus.
Georgia Unique Unit - Khevsur: Medieval Era melee unit that gains both +7 Combat Strength and no movememnt penalty when in hilly terrain.
Georgia Unique Infrastructure - Tsikhe: City Centre building that replaces Renissance Walls. It's built faster than the regular walls and grants +3 Faith, +50 Outer Defense Strength, as well as +3 Housing when you have the Monarchy Government active, and +3 Tourism with Conservation. Like regular walls it's rendered obsolte with the research of Steel.
Tamar Unique Ability - Glory of the World, Kingdom and Faith: +100% Faith earned for 10 turns after declaring a Protectorate War, and each Envoy sent to a city-state that follows your religion as a majority counts as two Envoys.


Civilization: India (second leader)
Leader: Chandragupta

India Unique Ability - Dharma: Receives Follower Belief bonuses in a city from each Religion that has at least 1 follower.
India Unique Unit - Varu: Classical era mounted unit. Replaces Horseman, has 2 movement and 40 melee attack. Inflicts -5 Combat Strength on all adjacent enemy units.
IndiaUnique Infrastructure - Stepwell: Tile imrpvoement. Bestows +1 Food and +1 Housing. +1 Faith is adjacent to a Holy Site (another +1 with Feudalism). +1 additional Food if adjacent to a Farm, and another +1 with Professional Sports, +1 more Housing, too, with Sanitation. Cannot be built on Hills or adjacent to another Stepwell.
Chandragupta Unique Ability - Arthashastra: When you unlock the Military Training Civic you can then declare a War of Territorial Expansion, and after declaring a War of Terrirorial Expansion your units gain +2 Movement and +5 Combat Strength for the first 10 turns.

Chandragupta Tips:

Civilization: Korea
Leader: Seondeok

Korea Unique Ability - Three Kingdoms: Mines receive +1 Science if there is an adjacent Seowon district, and Farms receive bonus Food if there's an adjacent Seowon.
Korea Unique Unit - Hwacha: Renaissance Era ranged unit with high Ranged strength, but cannot move and attack in the same turn.
Korea Unique Infrastructure - Seowon: A Science-based district that replaces the Campus, with a faster time to build, and that must be built on hills. Grants +4 Science, but -1 Science for each adjacent District, including the City Centre. Specialists here add +2 Science each, and provides +1 Great Scientist point per turn.
Seondeok Unique Ability - Hwarang: +10% Culture and +10% Science in all cities with an established Governor.

Seondeok Tips:

Civilization: Mapuche
Leader: Lautaro

Mapuche Unique Ability - Toqui: Units trained in cities with an established Governor gain 25% more experience in combat. All units receive +10 Combat Strength against civilizations that are in a Golden Age.
Mapuche Unique Unit - Malón Raider: Renaissance Era light cavalry unit, that has +5 Combat Strength within 4 tiles of friendly territory and requires less Movement to pillage.
Mapuche Unique Infrastructure - Chemamull: Tile improvement that must be built on a tile with an Appeal of Breathtaking (4 or above). Grants Culture equal to 75% of that tile's Appeal
Lautaro Unique Ability - Swift Hawk: If one of your units defeats an enemy unit within the borders of that enemy's city, that city loses 20 Loyalty.

Lautaro Tips:

Civilization: Mongolia
Leader: Genghis Khan

Mongolia Unique Ability - Örtöö: Starting a Trade Route creates a Trading Post in the destination city instantly, rather than on completion. You receive an extra level of Diplomatic Visibility for possessing a TRading Post in any city of a civilization, and Mongolian units gain +3 Combat Strength for each level of Diplomatic Visibility on their opponent.
Mongolia Unique Unit - Keshig: A Medieval Era mounted ranged unit, with a ranged unit promotion table, but 4 Movement range. Shares its movement range with all units in a formation if it forms one.
Mongolia Unique Infrastructure - Ordu: Ancient Era Encampment building, replcaing the Stable. Provides +1 Production, +1 Housing, +1 Citizen slot, +1 Great General point per turn, +25% combat experience for all light and heavy cavalry units trained there, and +1 Movement for all cavalry units trained in that city.
Genghis Khan Unique Ability - Mongol Horde: All cavalry class units gain +3 Combat strength, and defeating enemy cavalry class units gives you a chance to capture that unit instead of destroying it.

Genghis Khan Tips:

Civilization: Scotland
Leader: Robert the Bruce

Scotland Unique Ability - Scottish Enlightenment: Happy cities receive +5% Science and +5% Production, along with generating +1 Great Scientist point per Campush and +1 Great Engineer point per Industrial Zone. Ecstatic cities double all of the above, to 10% bonuses and +2 points each.
Scotland Unique Unit - Highlander: Industrial Era recon unit with additional Combat and Ranged Strength, and another +5 Combat Strength in Hills and Woods.
Scotland Unique Infrastructure - Golf Course: Tile improvement that cannot be placed on Desert or Desert Hill tiles, and limited at one per city. Provides +1 Amenity, +2 Gold, +1 Appeal, +1 Culture if adjacent to a City Center, +1 Culture if adjacent to an Entertainment Complex, and +1 Housing with Globalization.
Robert the Bruce Unique Ability - Bannockburn: After researching the Defensive Tactics Civic, instead of the Diplomatic Service Civic, you can declare a War of Liberation. +100% Production and +2 Movement for the first 10 turns after declaring one.

Robert the Bruce Tips:

Civilization: Zulu
Leader: Shaka

Zulu Unique Ability - Isibongo: Cities that have a garrisoned unit get +3 Loyalty per turn or +5 if it's a Corps or Army there. Units that conquer a city are automatically upgraded into a Corps or Army if you have the Civic unlocked for them.
Zulu Unique Unit - Impi: Medieval anti cavalry unit replacing the Pikeman. Faster to produce, and lower maintenance cost, with increased bonus for Flanking and faster XP gains.
Zulu Unique Infrastructure - Ikanda: District replacing the Encampment. GRants +1 Great General point per turn, +1 Housing, +1 Production and Cultre from specialists, all the other usual aspects of an Encampment as well as the ability to train Corps and Armies without building the Military Academy, and grants +25% faster training of Corps and Armies.
Shaka Unique Ability - Amabutho: You can form Corps from the Mercenaries Civic and Armies from the Nationalism Civic, rather than them unlocking later on. Extra +5 Combat Strength to both Corps and Armies.

Shaka Tips:

If your lust for Civilization 6 knowledge is still going strong, expansion owners should take a look at our Civ 6 Rise and Fall guide hub which takes you through the basics of everything new, whilst we have dedicated pages on Governors and Loyalty, along with how to earn Golden Ages, Era Points and Era Score through Historic Moments, and a full list of new Civs in Civ 6 Rise and Fall and other DLC. Otherwise, our Civilization 6 guide, tips and tricks covers the essentials before you master early game, mid-game and late-game strategies. We also have tips on the new Districts feature, a Leaders list with their Traits and Agendas, plus the best ways to get Gold, Science, and Faith, how to win by Religious Victory, and how to earn the elusive Science Victory and Military domination victory. Finally, here's the Culture Victory, Foreign Tourism, and Domestic Tourism explained in depth.

Other new Civs from Civilization 6 DLC packs

Since initially launching in 2016, various new leaders and civs have been added to Civilization 6 through dedicated DLC packs and scenarios. Here's all of the new civs that have been added that way:

DLC Pack: Pre-order bonus or Aztec Civilization Pack
Civilization: Aztec
Leader: Montezuma

Aztec Unique Ability- Legend of the Five Suns: Spend Builder charges to complete 20% of the original district charge.
Aztec Unique Unit - Eagle Warrior: Ancient era melee unit. Has a chance to capture other civilization's military units by turning them into builders. Replaces the Warrior.
Aztec Unique Infrastructure - Tlachtli: +2 Faith, +1 Amenity from entertainment, +1 Great General point per turn. Replaces Arena.
Montezuma Unique Ability - Gifts for the Tlatoani: Luxury resources in his territory provide an Amenity to 2 extra cities. Military units receive +1 Combat Strength for each different Luxury resource improved in Aztec lands.

Montezuma Tips: 

DLC Pack: Poland Civilization and Scenario Pack
Civilization: Poland
Leader: Jadwiga

Pland Unique Ability - Golden Liberty: When Poland completes an Encampment or Fort inside friendly territory, it gains adjacent tiles, even if they belong to another Civ. Also, one of Poland's Military Policy slots is converted to a Wildcard Policy slot.
Poland Unique Unit - Winged Hussar: Medieval era cavalry unit. When attacking, if it does more damage than the defending enemy, it pushes them back one tile. If they can't move back, it does additional damage.
Poland Unique Infrastructure - Sukiennice: Replaces the Market. +3 Gold, +1 Citizen, +1 Great Merchant Point-per-turn, +4 Gold from domestic Trade Routes, +2 Production from international Trade Routes.
Jadwiga Unique Ability - Lithuanian Union: When using the Golden Liberty 'culture bomb' to gain territory from another Civ's city, it will convert that city to her Religion. Relics also produce +4 Gold, +2 Culture, +2 Faith, and Holy Site districts gain additional adjacency bonuses.

Jadwiga Tips:

DLC Pack: Australia Civilization and Scenario Pack
Civilization: Australia
Leader: John Curtin

Australia Unique Ability - Land Down Under: +3 Housing in coastal cities. Building a Pasture triggers a Cultre Bomb, claiming surrounding tiles. Campuses, Commercial Hubs, Holy Sites and Theatre Squares gain +1 to yields in tiles with Charming Appeal and +3 to those with Breathtaking Appeal.
Australia Unique Unit - Digger: Modern Era Melee Unit that replaces the Infantry. 72 Combat Strength, +10 Combat Strength on Coastal Tiles, +5 outside Australian territory, and requires no resources to build.
CIV Unique Infrastructure - Outback Station: Tile improvement that can't be built on Snow or Tundra. Grants that tile +1 Food and Production; +0.5 Housing; +1 Food from every adjacent Pasture, +1 Production from every 2 adjacent Outback Stations when you research Steam Power and +1 Food from every 2 adjacent Outback Stations when you research Rapid Deployment.
John Curtin Unique Ability - Citadel of Civilization: Gain +100% Production if you have received a declaration of war in the past 10 turns, or if you've liberated a city in the past 20 turns.

John Curtin Tips:

DLC Pack: Persia and Macedon Civilization and Scenario Pack
Civilization: Persia
Leader: Cyrus

Persia Unique Ability - Satrapies: +1 Trade Route capacity when you unlock the Political Philosophy civic. +2 Gold and +1 Culture from routes between your own cities. Roads built in your territory are one level more advanced than usual.
Persia Unique Unit - Immortal: A strange unit that is both melee class, with strong melee defence, but with a ranged attack that's stronger than the Archer's but has the same attack range. Replaces the Swordsman (has slightly lower Melee strength) and upgrades directly to the Musketman.
Persia Unique Infrastructure - Pairidaeza: Tile improvement that can't be built on Tundra or Snow. Grants +1 Culture, +2 Gold, +2 Appeal on a tile plus +1 Culture for every adjacent Holy Site and Theatre Square, +1 Culture after unlocking Diplomatic Service and +1 Gold for every adjacent Commercial Hub and City Centre.
Cyrus Unique Ability - Fall of Babylon: +2 Movement for the first 10 turns after you declare a Surprise War. No penalties to yields in occupied cities, and Surprise Wars only count as Formal Wars in terms of warmongering and war weariness penalties.

Cyrus Tips:

DLC Pack: Persia and Macedon Civilization and Scenario Pack
Civilization: Macedonia
Leader: Alexander the Great

Macedonia Unique Ability - Hellenistic Fusion: receive a Eureka boost for each Encampment or Campus in a city when you conquer it, and an Inspiration for each Holy Site or Theatre Square.
Macedonia Unique Unit - Hypaspist: Melee unit that replaces the Swordsman, but doesn't require Iron. +5 Combat Strength then beseiging a district and +50% support bonuses.
Macedonia Unique Infrastructure - Basilikoi Paides: Encampment building replacing the Barracks. Grants +1 Production, Housing, Great General point per turn and and Citizen slot. +25% combat experience for all melee and ranged land units and Hetairoi trained in this city. Gain Science equal to 25% of the unit's cost when a non-civilian unit is created in this city.
Alexander Unique Ability - To the World's End: Cities don't acquire war weariness. All military units heal completely when this player captures a city with a world wonder.
Alexander Unique Unit - Hetairoi: Heavy cavalry unit that replaces the Horseman. +5 Combat Strength when adjacent to a Great General (on top of the usual bonus); +5 Great General points from kills. Starts with a free promotion and does not require Horses to build.

Alexander the Great Tips:

DLC Pack: Nubia Civilization and Scenario Pack
Civilization: Nubia
Leader: Amanitore

Nubia Unique Ability - Ta-Seti: +50% Production towards Ranged units and all Ranged units gain +50% combat experience. Mines over strategic resoruces provide +1 Production, and Mines over bonus and luxury resources provide +2 Gold.
Nubia Unique Unit - Pítati Archer: Ranged unit replacing the Archer. Slightly higher Production cost to build, but higher Combat Strength and Ranged Strength, and one extra movement speed.
Nubia Unique Infrastructure - Nubian Pyramid: Tile improvement that must be built on Desert or Floodplain tiles. Grants +1 Faith, plus +1 Food if adjacent to a City Centre, +1 Science if adjacent to a Campus, +1 Gold if adjacent to a Commercial Hub or Hardor, +1 Faith if adjacent to a Holy Site, +1 Production if adjacent to an Industrial Zone and +1 Culture if adjacent to a Theatre Square.
Amanitore Unique Ability - Kandake of Meroë: +20% Production in all districts, or +40% if the city contains a Nubian Pyramid adjacent to the City Centre.

Amanitore Tips:

DLC Pack: Khmer and Indonesia Civilization and Scenario Pack
Civilization: Khmer
Leader: Jayavarman VII

Khmer Unique Ability - Grand Barays: +3 Faith and +1 Amenity from entertainment to each city with an Aquaduct, plus Farms provide +2 Food if adjacent to an Aqueduct.
Khmer Unique Unit - Domrey: Siege unit, stronger than a catapult and deals Bombard Damage, and can move as well as attack in one turn and exerts zone of crontrol.
Khmer Unique Infrastructure - Prasat: Holy Site building that replaces the Temple. Grants +4 Faith, doubled with the Simultaneum Policy, plus +1 Citizen slot, +1 Great Prophet point per turn, and +2 Relic slots. Allowes purchasing of Apostles and Inquisitors and also Missionaries purchased in a city with a Prasat gain the Martyr promotion.
Jayavarman VII Unique Ability - Monasteries of the King: Holy Sites provide +2 Food and +1 Housing if placed on a river, and Holy Sites trigger a culture bomb, letting you grab land tiles around it.

Jayavarman VII Tips:

DLC Pack: Khmer and Indonesia Civilization and Scenario Pack
Civilization: Indonesia
Leader: Gitarja

Indonesia Unique Ability - Great Nusantara: Coast and Lake tiles grant minor adjacency bonuses for Holy Site, Campus, Industrial Zone and Theatre Square districts
Indonesia Unique Unit - Jong: Ranged naval unit replacing the Frigate. Slightly higher production cost but an extra point of movement speed, and +5 Combat strength when in formation, and shares its movement speed with all units in that formation.
Indonesia Unique Infrastructure - Kampung: Tile improvement that must be built on Coast or Lake tiles adjacent to sea resources. Grants +1 Production and Housing, +1 Food from every adjacent Fishing Boat, and +1 Housing with Mass Production, +1 Production with Civil Engineering, and +1 Tourism from every bonus Food with Flight.
Gitarja Unique Ability - Exalted Goddess of the Three Worlds: Naval units can be purchased with Faith, and Religious units don't lose movement for embarking or disembarking. +2 Faith to City Centres that are adjacent to Coast or Lake tiles.

Gitarja Tips:
