Control Canyon Rim and the Deep Cavern: How to find and complete the rituals in The Foundation DLC explained

Publish date: 2023-06-15
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If you want to save the Nail from the Hiss in Control, then you need to complete four special rituals.

Two of these rituals are located in Canyon Rim and the Deep Cavern, which can only be accessed using the Fracture ability.

The order in which you visit these locations, however, is determined by which ability you choose during The Foundation mission. If you choose the Shape ability, then you'll need to visit the Warehouse and Collapsed Department first.

If you haven't played The Foundation DLC yet, make sure you know how to download and start this extra adventure for Control.

On this page:

Let's Play Control: The Foundation DLC Gameplay - Rezzed Digital 2020

Complete the Canyon Rim ritual in the Astral Plane in Control

Your exploration with the Fracture ability begins by destroying the crystals blocking the tunnel directly south of the Crossroads Control Point.

Continue along this tunnel, destroying crystals and crossing gaps, until you find yourself in the Astral Plane.

Head down into the Astral Collision and destroy the crystals holding up the block of astral rock to reveal a golden socket. Next, look around you to find two golden blocks and, just like you do with Power Cores, use launch to send one of these boxes into the socket.

Doing so will cause a new platform to appear, but, if you want to cross the gap, you're going to need a second platform, so launch the second box into the socket on the platform directly opposite the one you're standing on.

Now you can make your way across the gap and further into the Astral Collision; destroying more crystals as you go, so that you can reach new platforms.

You'll quickly arrive at an area where you'll have to defeat a couple of Hiss and Astral Plane enemies. Once they're dead, however, use the Fracture ability again to destroy the crystals holding the blocks in place, so that you can climb higher.

There's a chance, however, that these crystals will start to grow back before you're finished, so we recommend switching the Service Weapon's Form to Shatter, which will destroy many of the crystals in one shot.

When you reach the top of this platform, launch one of the two golden boxes into the socket you'll find near the ledge of this area. This will create another set of platforms for you to cross, which will take you to the next main platform of this area.

Here you'll find a new Control Point to cleanse and, after you've done so more platforms will appear. Fly across to the platform and launch the golden box into one of the sockets. It doesn't matter which socket you pick, because, once you've climbed to the top of one tower, you'll unlock the ability to climb the next.

Climbing these towers both involve the same activities; you'll toss golden boxes into sockets, fight a number of Hiss and Astral Plane enemies, destroy crystals to create new pathways and, once you're at the top of the tower, cleanse a Control Point.

It's important to note that you can only cleanse the final Control Points if you've defeated all of the enemies, which means that, if one falls off the tower, then there's a chance it will survive and you'll either have to find it or restart this fight.

Once both Control Points atop the two towers have been cleansed a new area shall appear containing the etching that you need to interact with to complete the ritual. Before you can do that, however, you need to defeat some more Hiss.

In this new section of the Astral Plane repair the key using your new abilities and then, when you're ready, return to the Foundation.

For completing this mission, you'll receive:

Collectibles to be found:

Complete the ritual in the Deep Cavern in Control

You have two choices when it comes to returning to Research Site Gamma - either backtrack through the caves completely or fast travel to the Cave System Control Point.

Whichever way you choose, when you arrive at Research Site Gamma you'll need to destroy the large crystals blocking the entrance to the Deep Cavern.

Venture into Deep Cavern and you'll soon find yourself in a large cave containing an Astral Spike, only to be joined by a number of Hiss foes. Defeat these enemies while avoiding the Astral Spike and, once their defeated, open the door leading to Research Site Delta, so that you have a short cut.

After that head to the top-most corner of the cave and destroy the crystal, before flying across to the other side of the canyon to activate a new Control Point.

From this ledge, you can fly across to the stone platform spanning out across the canyon. Next, destroy another set of crystals and enter the Deep Cavern, before you truly enter, however, make sure you call a ranger for backup, as he'll provide good backup for the next Hiss fight.

Try and stay in the air for as long as possible during this fight, because there are a number of toxic geysers hidden around this area and getting hit by one will take away a good portion of your health.

When you've defeated all of the Hiss, head down to the lowest level of this area and you'll find another set of crystals for you to destroy. Head down this tunnel, avoiding the multiple toxic geysers, you'll find the etching.

Back in the Astral Plane, you'll use your abilities to fix the key and, after this, what happens next will depend on how many rituals you have left to complete.

If this is your second ritual, you'll be transported to the Astral Challenge area to learn the Shape ability, but, if this is your last ritual, the Astral Plane will start to destroy itself.

To escape you need to head to the right-hand side of the platform and wait for a prompt to appear. Once it does, Jesse will create a bridge that will allow you to reach the next platform and a new exit back to The Foundation.

For completing this mission you'll receive:

Collectibles to be found:

It’s time to journey into the mysterious Federal Bureau of Control. Our Control walkthrough can help you through the storyline missions, including Welcome to the Oldest House, Unknown Caller, Directorial Override, Old Boy’s Club, Threshold, My Brother's Keeper, The Face of the Enemy, Finnish Tango, Polaris and Take Control. You can also learn new supernatural powers by completing A Merry Chase, A Good Defence and A Captive Audience. We also have guides on upgrading the Service Weapon, your Abilities, how to use Weapon and Personal Mods, how to unlock every outfit and the solution to the Roulette Wheel puzzle.

If you've now completed all four of the rituals, the last mission, The Pyramid, will automatically begin, and you'll be able to return to the Nail to face Marshall.

If these were, however, the first two rituals you've completed, you'll find yourself transported back to the Astral Plane Challenge area from The Foundation mission.

Good luck exploring the Foundation!

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