Destiny 2 Crucible tips - maps, modes, strategies and new Crucible changes to Destiny 2's PvP explained

Publish date: 2022-11-02

The Destiny 2 Crucible returns once more now the Destiny 2 beta is here and with it, of course, comes some classic Destiny PvP. It's only partially available for the moment, with the beta containing just two Crucible modes: Control, on the Endless Vale map; and Countdown, on the Midtown map.

Here in this guide, we'll take you through everything you need to know about PvP in the Destiny 2 Crucible, including PvP strategies for the available Crucible maps, and a closer look at the available Destiny 2 Crucible modes, too.

Note this page is in need of an update with the arrival of Destiny 2's second year, so be aware some content might be out of date. In the meantime, read our Destiny 2 Forsaken guide and how to reach the new Destiny 2 level cap for an overview of what's new and changed. Plus, there's the return of theThorn quest and Thorn Ornament, Wishes of Sorrow, and our trusty friend Xur, too - here's the answer to where is Xur, Xur's location and what Xur's selling this week!

Destiny 2 Crucible changes - what's new in the Destiny 2 PvP?

The Crucible in Destiny 2 is all about being more approachable to beginners - but still hard to master for the veterans. Here's everything noteworthy that's changed, as of the beta going live:

Destiny 2 Crucible tips and PvP strategies

With several modes and maps available, we won't be diving too heavily into the specifics of each. Instead, here's a collection of our best tips and strategies for taking control in every match:

Season of the Haunted is here! Get up to speed with our levelling guide. For The Witch Queen, learn how to get Exotics including Dead Messenger and Parasite. Late last year, we saw the Bungie 30th Anniversary, which adds the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, Strange Coins and new Exotics, including the Gjallarhorn and Forerunner.

Destiny 2 Crucible modes, activities and maps

There are several PvP modes available in Destiny 2's Crucible, including the all-new Countdown. Here's a quick rundown of each of them, and an idea of what you can expect.

Destiny 2 Crucible Modes:

Destiny 2 Crucible Maps:

Map NameAreaPlanetModes
The Dead cliffsEuropean Dead ZoneEarthQuick Play
Endless ValeArcadian ValleyNessusQuick Play
The FortressEurpean Dead ZoneEarthQuick Play
Legion's GulchEuropean Dead ZoneEarthQuick Play
Altar of FlameCaloris BasinMercuryQuick Play
VostokFelwinter PeakEarthQuick Play
MidtownThe Last CityEarthQuick Play
Javelin-4Warsat Launch FacilityIoQuick Play
Emperor's RespiteLeviathanLeviathanQuick Play
