Destiny 2 Expunge missions: Locations and how to start Expunge: Delphi explained

Publish date: 2022-09-05
Be ready for some acrobatics in the Vex Network with Destiny 2's Expunge missions.

Destiny 2's Expunge is a series of missions for Season of the Splicer season pass holders.

Expunge is set in the Vex Network and has introduced new missions - or at least changes to existing ones - rolled on a weekly basis throughout the season.

First introduced on the weekly reset for May 25th, 2021, this page explains how to start Expunge: Labyrinth, Expunge: Styx, Expunge: Tartarus, Expunge: Corrupted Labyrinth, Expunge: Corrupted Styx, Expunge: Corrupted Tartarus and Expunge: Delphi, as well as what the missions entail and the rewards on offer.

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Expunge mission locations: How to start the Expunge missions in Destiny 2

Each Expunge mission is part of the ongoing Path of the Splicer questline, which each week debuting a new mission.

The Expunge missions roll out as part of the following quest steps, and can be found at the respective destination screens:

Unlocking the missions works the same each time; after talking to the Splicer Servitor, you must complete the weekly Override mission (accessed from the H.E.L.M. destination tab).

Before jumping into matchmaking, make sure to have at least one Key Code crafted beforehand. Along with completing Override, you're tasked with opening a Conflux Chest at the end using said item.

When you open the Conflux Chest - it's located to the side of the regular boss chest (if another player has already 'opened' it, don't worry, interact with it all the same with the prompt on screen), either the next quest step, or the one after that, will unlock the Expunge mission.

You can then find each respective mission on the director screen when they unlock, as shown in the gallery below:

How the Expunge: Labyrinth quest works in Destiny 2

The Expunge: Labyrinth mission is closer to Beyond Light's Exo Challenges or the Interference missions from 2020's Season of Arrivals than recent Harbinger and Season of the Chosen's Presage quests, in that it's part of a wider questline and doesn't result in an Exotic at the end of the Vex tunnel.

The mission itself, however, does offer some similarities with those recent quests - in that you can expect some light puzzle solving, plenty of platforming and, of course, several combat encounters.

The first mission, Expunge: Labyrinth, has you exploring a different side of the Vex Network, presented as a rather maze-like set of corridors and floating platforms. Objectives vary from moving through the labyrinth, facing Barrier Champions, and depositing Data Spikes as you rush through the levels to get to the deposit stations.

We hope you have been practicing your acrobatic skills in past Override missions, as this one will certainly test them in new ways.

Expunge: Labyrinth is a short and straightforward enough mission that a walkthrough isn't required, but some tips from us include:

In terms of requirement, the mission has a 1290 power level recommendation. You can either group up or do it solo, as it won't present a massive challenge. We recommend doing a regular run exploring the labyrinth before attempting to do it on your own. If you're looking to add an extra difficulty layer, the seasonal challenge 'Expedited Expunge' tasks you with completing the mission in 10 minutes or less.

You can see how to do this as part of a significant (and tricky to pull off) shortcut from Esoterickk on YouTube, as well as the start and end of the mission performed solo:

How the Expunge: Styx quest works in Destiny 2

The Expunge: Styx mission is closer to Beyond Light's Exo Challenges or the Interference missions from 2020's Season of Arrivals than recent Harbinger and Season of the Chosen's Presage quests, in that it's part of a wider questline and doesn't result in an Exotic at the end of the Vex tunnel.

If you'd like a closer comparison, Expunge: Labyrinth serves as a good example. There are variations here and there, but it retains much of its familiarity. While the former had you traversing through a maze-like set of corridors and platforms, this one is all about powering and using a total of three keys.

For starters, the first part of the mission is identical to Labyrinth, in which you'll have to make your way through moving gaps in the level. From there, you'll recognize the long corridor with the moving lasers. Exit the area and you'll begin to see the new Styx side of Expunge.

It's rather straightforward from here. You'll have to damage a pair of floating fragments until they become a key. Then, you'll have to take that key with you towards a data terminal.

There are floating light blue cubes that act as checkpoints - you only need to move across them to activate them. If you die, the key will now respawn there, so you can pick right where you left off. You'll have to repeat this a total of three times to unlock the final encounter.

Expunge: Styx might be kinder than we were expecting, but some tips from us include:

Aside from some lasers and the odd platform here and there, you shouldn't have any problem doing this either with a group or solo, even if you're below the 1290 Power Level requirement. Sadly, there is no Expedited challenge this time around, where you would previously be tasked with completing the Expunge in 10 minutes or less.

How the Expunge: Tartarus quest works in Destiny 2

Tartarus is similar to previous Expunge missions; there are variations here and there, but it retains much of its familiarity. In fact, this one is even more straightforward, leading you to shoot at objects in the levels to unlock firewalls.

The first part of the mission is identical to both Labyrinth and Styx, in which you'll have to make your way through moving gaps in the level. If you were already getting used to dodging the laser wall and carefully planning your jumps, then it should be easy enough. After you exit the area, you'll begin to see the new Tartarus section of Expunge.

The main element here involved hacking spots and floating objects that you'll have to destroy in order to unlock firewalls to proceed. In simpler words, all you have to do is approach the big white structures of Vex code, hack them, and the spot will now be lightened. Stay there for a couple seconds and you'll gain the Stability Security Access status.

Once in this state, look for the white squares that are floating around the area. Stability Security Access allows you to do damage to them for a limited time. After you shoot all of them down (the number is indicated on the firewall by orbs that lighten up once destroyed), the defense wall will disappear and you can proceed.

Expunge: Tartarus might sound simple enough, but there are some tips to keep in mind:

Aside from the often annoying lasers, you shouldn't have any problem doing this either with a group or solo, even if you're below the 1290 Power Level requirement. This time around there is an Expedited challenge to complete, but unlike Expunge: Labyrinth, you will have the task to complete Tartarus in 6 minutes or less, instead of 10. Considering the steps to get to the boss are fairly easy, the time decrease makes for an interesting but doable challenge with a full squad.

How the Expunge: Corrupted Labyrinth quest works in Destiny 2

Labyrinth is back on rotation and can be found at the Tangled Shore, but with a twist: this is a corrupted variant that brings some interesting surprises to the table.

First of all, the structure of the mission remains identical. You'll still have to go through the unique Expunge phase during the first half that is present in all previous missions. Once on the other side, you'll notice a slight change in the environment, with a much darker look and the presence of the Taken.

This presence impacts on the enemy variants you will encounter, which will be tougher all around (including Unstoppable Champions, which require an Unstoppable mod to be taken down). In addition, there are exploding traps that can be quite the bother as you're jumping the rather platformer nature of this Expunge.

While Labyrinth remains identical to its original iteration, there are a couple tips regarding the new corrupted nature of it that may prove helpful and allow you to prevent any unfortunate surprises:

Aside from the often annoying traps, you shouldn't have any problem doing this either with a group or solo. Keep in mind that the corrupted variant has a 1300 Power Level requirement instead of the previous 1290. There is no Expedited challenge this time around, so no reward for completing Expunge: Corrupted Labyrinth under a certain time.

How the Expunge: Corrupted Styx quest works in Destiny 2

Styx is back on rotation and can be found on the Moon. Following last week's rotation, there's now a corrupted variant of this mission.

Thankfully, the structure of the mission remains identical. You'll still have to go through the unique Expunge phase during the first half that is present in all previous missions. Once on the other side, you'll notice the environment has become darker than usual for Styx.

You'll encounter enemy variants which will be tougher all around, in addition to the usual foes. Moreover, those annoying traps from Labyrinth Corrupted are present once more, but don't preset that big of a threat here as there is much less platforming to worry about.

If you need a refresher, Styx is all about carrying keys and depositing them into data terminals. The corrupted side of things implements a couple traps and stops here and there, but all in all, most situations can be bypassed by making a run for it. Just remember to use the checkpoints (the floating light-blue orbs) so you can pick the key up from there if you happen get killed on the way to the terminal.

As usual, you can find a couple tips below to tackle this as efficiently and quickly as possible:

Aside from the often annoying traps, you shouldn't have any problem doing this either with a group or solo. Keep in mind that the corrupted variant has a 1300 Power Level requirement instead of the previous 1290. There is also a Expedited challenge for this that tasks you to complete Styx in under 9 minutes, if you fancy it.

How the Expunge: Corrupted Tartarus quest works in Destiny 2

Tartarus is back on rotation and can be found on Europa. Following last weeks' rotations, there's now a corrupted variant of this mission.

Once more, the structure of the mission remains identical. You'll still have to go through the unique Expunge phase during the first half that is present in all previous missions. Once on the other side, you'll notice the environment has become darker than usual for Tartarus.

You'll encounter enemy variants which will be tougher all around, in addition to the usual foes. Moreover, those annoying traps from Labyrinth Corrupted and Styx Corrupted are back, but don't preset that big of a threat here as Tartarus is rather short.

If you need a refresher, Tartarus is all about hacking terminals and then shooting at nodes to unlock Vex-locked gates. Since the placements remain the same, it's super easy to get through the quest and into the boss fight - you'll probably get there before you realize it. Just make sure to always stay in place to charge your Stability Security Access status as much as possible (up to x32).

As usual, you can find a couple tips below to tackle this as efficiently and quickly as possible:

Aside from the often annoying traps, you shouldn't have any problem doing this either with a group or solo. Keep in mind that the corrupted variant has a 1300 Power Level requirement instead of the previous 1290. There is no Expedited challenge this time around, which previously tasked you with completing the quest within a certain time limit for a reward.

How the Expunge: Delphi quest works in Destiny 2

After seeing corrupted variants of the three Expunge headline missions, Expunge: Delphi introduces itself as the fourth and final culmination that we have been waiting for. Well, sort of.

While the boss waiting at the end is new, the whole mission has a far more story-focused feeling to it, which is exciting.

In terms of gameplay, however, the structure is formed by three short sections of the corrupted Labyrinth, Styx and Tartarus variants.

For Tartarus, this entails a section with shifting platforms, which are infested by the blinking-eye kind of traps. After a short walk, you'll have to destroy a Nexus Guardian carrying the Data Spike. After making a run for it and depositing it in the terminal, you'll be transported to the next stage.

For Styx, it actually takes one of the rooms that are required to access the boss fight. You'll have to get through a series of platforms with tonnes of Taken traps around, destroy the guardian and grab the key.

From here you already know the drill: make a run for it while ignoring most enemies. As long as you set foot on the nearest checkpoint, you'll get to the door in no time. As this is the corrupted variant, you'll have to destroy a group of Taken foes guarding the door. Take them down, deposit the key, and jump through the portal.

As for Tartarus, this one feels odd as you have just finished going through it, but there's a twist to it. While the section is rather short, you'll have to defeat an Override Hobgoblin, who can be quite fearsome. After destroying it, you only have to jump through the portal and onto the boss fight.

The boss encounter isn't actually as different as you might have expected. Quria is rather familiar to the bosses you've already fought in Expunge, and the mid-fight puzzles are nothing new either - you'll have to carry a key twice, so make sure to look for checkpoints while doing so.

As usual, you can find a couple tips below to tackle this as efficiently and quickly as possible:

Aside from the often annoying traps, you shouldn't have any problem doing this either with a group or solo. Keep in mind that Expunge: Delphi has a 1310 Power Level requirement instead of the previous 1300. In addition, there is no expedited challenge for it, but there is a Flawless challenge if you fancy it.

Expunge rewards and what we know of future Expunge missions in Destiny 2

Neither Expunge: Labyrinth, Expunge: Styx nor Expunge: Tartarus resulted in an Exotic, nor, unfortunately, did it provide a Pinnacle gear, despite how it was previous advertised. Instead, you will get a high stat armour piece in a different slot:

For the next 4 weeks the weekly Expunge mission will give you a high-stat armor piece in a different slot each week. Sorry for any confusion, we'll give more info on what other rewards you can expect from the Expunge mission in this week's TWAB.

— Cozmo (@Cozmo23) May 26, 2021 To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings

The corruption variant didn't change this, and while there was a tease of "other rewards", we didn't see anything new in-game aside from weekly challenges. As we have witnessed there's been a total of six updates mentioned on the Season of the Splicer roadmap, verifying previous datamines hinting at the 'Delphi' mission (thanks T_Gamer-mp4 on reddit). Between that and the speedrunning Triumph mentioned above, there have been many reasons to pursue these missions beyond the seasonal story.

All there is left to see is if Expunge: Delphi will have any particular variant sometime later in the season, or if there will be a weekly challenge that invites you to revisit the encounter. But in the meantime, congrats for defeating the enemy behind the longest night!
