Destiny 2 Morgeth the Spirekeeper strategy and how to reach the third encounter

Publish date: 2022-06-26
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Morgeth the Spirekeeper is the third encounter for Destiny 2: Forsaken's raid, The Last Wish. Morgeth is arguably the most easy going of the encounters once you get the mechanics tied down, but he's no slouch.

Here on this page, we will explain how to damage Morgeth, how to effectively use the Taken Essences, why you should manage your Taken Strength buff, and what to do when you're captured by the Umbral Enervation.

If you want to read more about the raid, our The Last Wish guide can help, including how to beat Kalli the Corrupted, Shuro Chi the Corrupted, The Vault and Riven of a Thousand Voices.

On this page:

How to reach the third encounter Morgeth the Spirekeeper

Before you can even think of how to tackle Morgeth, you'll need to get there first. After killing Shuro Chi, you'll want to jump down and through the door behind her. From there you will need continue through the halls until you see a tree. You will need to scale this tree to the top and progress to an area known as the Keep of Voices.

When you reach the Keep of Voices you'll have another opportunity to grab another hidden chest. As you head onwards, keep an eye out for a formation of rocks (image below) and jump over them.

After a short walk you'll be confronted by a cliff and a series of trees jutting out. You are going to climb these trees until you reach a series of ledges.

The main idea is to continue upwards and to your right. Eventually there will be a ledge that you can see and on it the chest with another chance to get some precious loot.

Now that the chest is out of the way, you'll want to trek backwards a tiny bit and head onwards and follow the path. It's fairly linear and you should end up in the ascendant realm. It might seem like the path to the end of the realm is quite straight forward, but you'll need to be mindful of your footing in this area as the jumping puzzle can be extremely unforgiving.

Bonus tip - if one players makes it to the end and you're struggling, you can promote them to leader, exit to orbit and join them to skip this jumping section.

Morgeth the Spirekeep strategy step-by-step

When you arrive at this encounter, it's best to discuss the roles of all the members in the team and how you'd like to split the arena. It's recommended that you split as two teams of three and take the left and right side.

Within those teams you'll want to assign on player to act as support in clearing enemies and calling out Eye of Rivens while the other two should aim to pick up Taken Blights to gain Taken Strength.

Ensure that you are aware that the remaining player with the least Taken Strength when the Taken Blight in front of Morgeth spawns before the damage phase also knows to pick up the final Taken Essence dropped by the Eye of Riven.

Morgeth the Spirekeeper strategy in detail

Before starting Morgeth's encounter you should split up as two teams. One team will be responsible for the left side and the other on right. Within these two teams you should designate two players to collect Taken Blights in each with the remaining player supporting those players by clearing enemies in the top and bottom. After this has been agreed, you should converge at the top corners of each side.

When both teams in position, the left side should pick up the first Taken Blight in front of Morgeth. This will start the encounter and commence Morgeth's strength accumulator, when this accumulator reaches 100% your whole time will wipe. As the player picks up the Taken Blight, they will be granted one level of Taken Strength. Players may only carry a maximum of two Taken Strength or they will die when picking up any further blights.

After the initial Taken Blight is grabbed, a total of four Taken Ogres will spawn. There will be two ogres in front of Morgeth and a Taken Ogre on each side where you should be standing. Quickly clear them and any accompanying enemies to activate more Taken Blights spawning throughout the arena.

Further Taken Blights start to spawn, the assigned players should collect them and monitor their levels to ensure that they pick up no more than two at a time. At some point a player who possesses Taken Strength will be captured and unable to move. This is where the Eye of Rivens come in to play.

As you clear waves of enemies, the Eye of Rivens will spawn amongst them. Killing an eye of Riven will spawn a Taken Essence. Taken Essences can be used to free captured players through the use of its grenade ability in close quarters.

Doing so will absorb the captured player's Taken Strength to the cleanser. The rules around Taken Strength still apply here, so the captured player will need to communicate how much Taken Strength they have on them to prevent the cleansing player from dying if they have picked up any Taken Blights while playing.

There should be a total of four Eye of Rivens that spawn prior to the first damage phase, so ensure that the Taken Essence they drop is not wasted or allowed to despawn. When the team collectively possess a set amount of Taken Strength between them and kill all of the Eye of Rivens, a final Taken Blight will spawn in front of Morgeth.

The player with the least Taken Strength should pick up the final Taken Essence and the Taken Blight. This player will be responsible for monitoring Morgeth's strength as the team do damage and will use the Taken Essence's super ability to stun Morgeth before he reaches 100%. There is a timing trick to this that will prolong Morgeth's damage phase if you can perform the super as Morgeth reaches 90% strength.

While the nominated player picks up the final Taken Blight, the rest of the team should gather at the middle of the map down behind the crack in the floor and do as much damage as possible by shooting Morgeth's glowing white areas. If any of your fireteam have buffs available to them, they should use them to increase damage output. After Morgeth has taken a fair chunk of damage, it will release a barrage of Axiom Darts that will track players.

There are two ways to deal with the, you can either shoot them down or have a Titan use their new super shield to block them all. Either way these orbs cannot reach the players as they will prove fatal for lower Light Levels.

It is possible to kill Morgeth in his first damage phase with a well coordinated team, but if this is not possible you will need to repeat the Taken Blight phase again. You will know that the damage phase has come to an end when more enemies start to spawn in front of Morgeth again, accompanied by two further Taken Blights.

Again, players should pick up the Taken Blights and kill Eye of Rivens until the final blight spawns again. You should be able to kill Morgeth in the second phase and then it's on to the fourth encounter - The Vault.

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