Doom - Hidden weapon locations including Super Shotgun and Plasma Rifle, plus data log locations explained

Publish date: 2023-04-11
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Doom has its share of hidden weapons as you explore its campaign.

It also details the locations of the hard-to-find data logs - most of them are just lying in plain sight as you progress, but a handful are tucked away.

If you're interested in other hidden things, our Doom secrets and collectibles guide can help.

Hidden weapon locations including Super Shotgun and Plasma Rifle, plus data log locations explained

Level 2: Resource Operations

DF Retro: Doom - Every Console Port Tested and Analysed!

Level 3: Foundry

Level 4: Argent Facility

Level 5: Argent Energy Tower

Level 6: Kadingir Sanctum

Level 8: Advanced Research Complex

Interested in other Doom secrets and collectibles? These pages may help:

Level 9: Lazarus Labs

Level 13: Argent D'Nur

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