Doom - Hidden weapon locations including Super Shotgun and Plasma Rifle, plus data log locations explained
Publish date: 2023-04-11
Previous page Page 9 of 9Doom has its share of hidden weapons as you explore its campaign.
It also details the locations of the hard-to-find data logs - most of them are just lying in plain sight as you progress, but a handful are tucked away.
If you're interested in other hidden things, our Doom secrets and collectibles guide can help.
Hidden weapon locations including Super Shotgun and Plasma Rifle, plus data log locations explained
Level 2: Resource Operations
- Plasma Rifle: From the first Elite Guard, turn 180 degrees and double back through the vent, turn left at the end, and climb up to find this on a crate opposite you.
Level 3: Foundry
- Data Log: From the platform in the main room that had the gore nest, stand with your back to the wall and look up to your right to locate the door. Make your way to it and follow the passageway. After a while you'll have to climb up a wall to proceed - from the top, turn left and look through the opening straight ahead and you should see markings on the floor saying "CAUTION: STAND CLEAR". Drop into the room and the log is on a barrel to the right.
Level 4: Argent Facility
- Super Shotgun: After completing the cooling area objective, defeating the summoner, and heading outside, head down the step opposite the doorway and follow the rocky path to the end to find the super shotgun.
- Data Log: After completing the cooling area objective, defeating the summoner, and heading outside you'll come to a gap you need to jump over. After leaping, turn left and climb into an alcove, jump onto the box, and pull yourself up. Climb up a couple of steps immediately to your left, then jump across to the green-tinged rock and follow the walkway ahead. Clear out the lab, then head upstairs and the log is round the corner to your right.
Level 5: Argent Energy Tower
- Data Log: When you reach the severed pipe on the bridge, cross to the other side, climb up the platforms, and double back - you'll need to double-jump around the first bridge support to get back onto the platform. Follow it along, head up the stairs, and into a control room, and the log is in the back left.
Level 6: Kadingir Sanctum
- Armour (Secret Area): After picking up the Gauss Cannon, head up the stairs. Above you is an armour powerup - jump up the rocks along the cliff face to reach it. (This one counts as a secret despite being clearly visible.)
- Data Log: After opening the blue door and then the large door, you'll end up in an arena with pools of blood in the area below. Once it's clear, head up the steps opposite where you entered and head for the far right area of the upper level. You should be able to see a yellow launchpad just across the gap - double-jump past it and the log is in the passage to the left ahead.
Level 8: Advanced Research Complex
- Hologram: After picking up the BFG and activating the Lazarus Elevator, head in to Testing Chamber 1 and it's on the floor ahead to your right.
- Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3: Tucked in the corner behind some crates in the same room as the Rune Trial.
Interested in other Doom secrets and collectibles? These pages may help:
- Doom - Classic level locations: Where to find all classic Doom and Doom 2-inspired areas
- Doom - Doomguy model locations: Where to find all 26 figurines
- Doom - Weapon Mod locations: Where to find all the Field Drones
- Doom - Elite Guard locations: Where to find all Praetor Tokens
- Doom - Rune locations: Where to find all Rune Trials for permanent perks
- Doom - Argent Cell locations: How to increase your health, armour and ammo capacity
- Doom - Automap Station locations: How to complete your minimap
- Doom - Hidden weapon locations and data log locations
Level 9: Lazarus Labs
- Data Log: After the fight in the container room you'll head into a vent lit by a red glow. After climbing the first ledge, turn around and jump into the shaft opposite. Knock out the grating at the end to find the log.
- Siphon Grenade: In the second room after the elevator, it's on the floor next to the corpse under the window on the right side.
- Megahealth (Secret Area): When you reach the room with the elevator wedged in place by a corpse, turn right and head behind the white crates, then climb up the vent to find a megahealth. Demon Destruction: Once inside Olivia's hidden lab, turn left and interact with the computer to play a game of Demon Destruction.
Level 13: Argent D'Nur
- Secret Skull Switch 1: When you enter the area with two large statues ahead, turn right, head to the side, and jump down to your left. The switch is at the end of this middle level. Once you've pressed it, drop to the ground floor and use the large stone block opposite to climb back to the top level - a secret area to your right has now opened, containing BFG ammo and chainsaw fuel.
- Secret Skull Switch 2: After putting the first Wraith to rest, drop down to the stairs on your right and the switch is on the landing halfway up. Head towards the objective and take the tunnel to the right, and follow it up to find some BFG and chainsaw ammo in a secret area.
- Secret Skull Switch 3: After dealing with the second Wraith and heading through the exit, you'll be in a narrow tunnel. It slopes upwards for a while and then makes a sharp left, and the switch is in the corner to your right. Once you've pressed it double back to find a secret area on your right just before the tunnel entrance.