Fallout 4: Far Harbor - Best Left Forgotten

Publish date: 2022-05-10
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Now begins the long journey to find the truth about DiMA. I hope you like fiddly block puzzles!

As you leave Acadia, ignore the main path and just carefully hop down the side of the mountain, heading in a straight line to your map marker, eventually passing through the swamp at the bottom. The Aquagirl/Aquaboy perk is handy for trudging through these irradiated waters, but just pop some Rad-X if not and you'll be fine.

You should now be facing a mountain, so just walk to the South, pass around it and you'll find yourself overlooking a shantytown filled with Trappers. Use the vantage point to take them out safely before making your way down. This place is called Pine Crest Cavern. Make sure you get it marked on your map so you can explore it properly later.

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If you leave out of the shantytown's main gate - identifiable by the wooden spikes, gibbets and corpses - beware of bear traps. You might as well disarm them and pick them up. Now follow the path until it splits - when it does, leave the beaten track and head on forward past the burnt husks of buildings in front. Keep the map marker dead ahead and you should find yourself on a cliff looking down. From here you can get some pot shots off on a unsuspecting Fog Crawler.

Firing at the new enemy - an oversized, chitinous insect of death - from this position should allow you to scare it off or kill it without risk. You can also wait it out in stealth and let its health take a hit when it gets in a fight with another new enemy called an Angler. Whatever your approach, head on down when you are done. Again, keep the map marker in front of you and head through the ship graveyard, until you come to a verge on the other side. Up you go.

You will find yourself overlooking The Nucleus, home of the Children of Atom, so just make your way down. Wait for events to unfold as you enter and then have a lovely chat to Richter about religious extremism. It turns out you won't be granted entry without drinking from a spring, which doesn't exactly sound appetising in the post-apocalyptic hellscape but what can you do? At this point you have a choice. You can play along with the Children of Atom and head back out into the wastes for a new quest. Click through to the next page of our walkthrough for a guide to completing Fallout 4: Far Harbor - Visions in the Fog. Then come back to this page for the remainder of Best Left Forgotten.

Or, you can take the past of most resistance...

How to complete Best Left Forgotten without doing Visions in the Fog

If you really don't fancy going through the Children of Atom's rites and chugging down the some brown soup, you can just barge in and start shooting anyone with an irradiated comb over. However, be warned that this will chop off an entire narrative branch later on and lock off multiple endings. It's a tough fight, but if you funnel them into the initial corridor you can take advantage of its confines to use explosives, blowing them all into bitesize chunks. You've got the Cannibal perk, right? Hey, we're not judging you.

Make sure you have lots of Radaway, as many of the zealots use rad-damage weaponry. You will get a few sets of Zealot's Marine Armour for your troubles. Have a look around and take all the stuff you want and, when you're ready, head into the submarine in the room's center and clear up any stragglers.

Once you've killed everyone and taken what you want from the sub, head back out into the silo and to the highest point at the back of the room, through the door marked Nucleus Command Center. Go to the right and empty the ammo crates, but there's nothing else that way, so head back down the main corridor, being careful to pass under the lasers when they're raised. Now get ready to deal with the facility's sentry turrets and security bots.

Keep shooting and looting your way through until you come to some stairs, then head up and through the cave, but beware of the Assaultron - it's nothing a critical harpoon VATS shot to the head won't sort out, though. Just around the corner, you'll need to deal with a Protectron and the two sentry turrets. You made it! Now welcome to Hell.

Go to the security terminal and unlock the door. In this room there is a security door to the left that you can't interact with - place a plasma mine by it. Now head through the cage at the back of the room and flip the switch against the back wall. A Legendary Assaultron should burst through the door and trigger your mine. See ya. Now access the terminal in the middle to unlock Faraday's Program and enter a VR world.

DiMA's memory puzzles

If you completed Visions in the Fog, this is the point at which you rejoin this quest.

Memory 1

You're now inside the simulation. All you need to do is get the green insects to the orange beam in the distance, using the light-blue code blocks to build a path. When you reach the red firewall, store the stacked block nearby to let the green beam zap the firewall's weak point. Build your way across the next gap and you will see a new block - a decoder relay - redirecting the green beam. Shift it around until it destroys the red firewall, and then build your way to the orange beam.

Once you've done that, you just need to make sure there's a clear path from your start point to the orange beam. Tactically place turrets along the route, evenly spread out, and keep your insects protected as they run back and forth with the data until it's completed.

Memory 2

In the second simulation, immediately drop down to your left and remove the block barring the green beam, allowing it to travel through the nearby construction. Follow it to where it's headed and remove the code block in the wall blocking it. Now take the decoder relay and place it up on the high block, causing the beam to turn right. Now remove the code block obstructing it and it will break through a firewall, allowing you to press on.

Around the corner is another firewall, so use the nearby code blocks to stack two high so they're just beneath the green beam you just used. Take the nearby decoder relay and place it on top of those blocks, directing the beam at this firewall's sweet spot. Now make a bridge for your minions and get ready to set off your defences again.

Once that's over, it's on to the next simulation.

Memory 3

Head straight up the stairs to your left and step down onto the code blocks, using them to build a bridge for your insects and destroying the firewall in the process. Once across, put another code block on the lone block under the green beam just ahead. Now, if you turn around to your right you will see more stairs - head up and follow the top level around to the right and jump to reach the next decoder relay. Place that onto the top of the two code blocks, directing the beam at the firewall's weak point on the left.

That same construction that destroyed the firewall? Move it and rebuild it two blocks back, causing it to head to the special blue block that funnels the beam up through the green blocks, acting like a circuit carrying the current above. Next, take the free decoder relay sitting nearby, behind where the firewall was, and run it back up the stairs where you got the other decoder relay, this time heading left and following the path of the green beam. Place it down and go get some code blocks so you can place it in the beam's path and direct it to the firewall on the left. Set up your defences and bridge the gaps for your critters, you know the drill.

Memory 4

Onto memory four now. Up the steps in front you will see a green beam firing from above through a gap in the floor. Lay down code blocks in the gap and place a stack of two in the middle - slap a decoder relay on top and line it up with the firewall on the left. Now remove one code block from that stack you just made and move the first decoder relay down one block, twisting it so the beam is firing at the firewall in front. Now make a stack of three code blocks down at floor level to line up with the beam and the firewall on the right - redirect the beam with the decoder relay you uncovered behind the first firewall.

Now remove the code blocks and decoder relay from the original position and let the beam pass through the gap in the floor. You will need to take two code blocks and a decoder relay down to the bottom where the beam is heading - get there by going forward and down to the right. Build a little two-block bridge with the code blocks and put a decoder relay on top, firing the beam straight on. Now head back up and get another code block and decoder relay, placing them down so you can fire the beam to the right and into the glowing blue block just beneath the green, circuit type ones. This will remove the final firewall. Head back up, ready your turrets and build a bridge for your insects.

Memory 5

Right, final memory - we're almost there, but this one isn't easy. Store any code blocks you come across, as you will need to build a few large constructions for this one.

Store every code block around the initial platform and make a bridge to the pyramid ahead. Hoover up any code blocks you find and stack the decoder in the middle of the pyramid on top of two code blocks, sending the beam to the firewall on the left. Build your way across to that island and stack that decoder up to reach the beam, sending it to the firewall in the near corner.

Instead of going straight across there, build to the island behind you that's full of code blocks. Head over and hoover them up, making sure to pick up the code blocks you used as a bridge on the way back - you don't need to go back there now.

Now build across to the island you just revealed and stack that decoder up to the beam, sending it across to the island on the right. You need to build across to there from the central pyramid now and just store any code blocks you find once there - this should allow the beam to travel through to the green circuit. Head to where the beam just got redirected, just near the starting point of the puzzle.

Store the decoder you see and climb right to the top of this construction and remove the two code blocks barring your way to the beam, allowing you to move inside the structure. Drop down one level and pull out the code blocks in the wall. Build a code block against the wall in this central area. This will allow you to place the decoder down and send the beam to the sweet spot on the nearby firewall.

You should have now revealed two more decoders. Store the one on the floor and build yourself some stairs so you can climb up and grab the other one. Now pick up your stairs and head back into the structure where you placed your last decoder. Pick it up and go back outside the structure, making your way around the outside so you're overlooking the beam coming out of the floor below. Bridge the gap ahead right up to the beam.

Once you've reached it, build around it so there's a gap for the beam to pass through and place a block on top at the back - this is to put your decoder against. Now send the beam to the low island adjacent to the starting point. Head there and stack up code blocks to reach the beam - but be sure it's on the far edge of the platform, so when you redirect the beam to the starting island it isn't passing through the spawn point. Now walk to the starting area, stack up some code blocks and use a decoder to redirect the beam to the firewall at the back there.

The rest is easy. Just place your turrets in position and build a short bridge to the end zone. Phew. That's the awful part of the Far Harbor DLC done.

When you exit the simulation, have a chat with Nick before leaving the facility.

The next part of the quest has you visiting three different sections of the island as you dig into DiMA's past. We'll break them down one at a time so they're easier to digest. Upon discovery, these open up more quests, some of which will lock out others later on. We suggest you head to all three of these locations first, before deciding anything, though you can do a large portion of the quest started at DiMA's medical facility without consequence. We've marked the point when you should come back for the nuclear launch key.

Recover the Wind Farm Kill Switch Code

For this one we need to head to the map marker in the Northwest corner of the map, so make your way there. When you get near you will have to do a bit of island hopping, so swim from land to land, killing any Anglers that get in your way.

Upon arrival at the waypoint you will see a patch of disturbed earth - follow the prompt and dig it up, revealing the wind turbine code beneath.

This will trigger a new quest, Cleansing the Land - don't start this just yet though.

Uncover DiMA's Secret Medical Facility

You should know the drill by now: fast travel or make you way to the map marker, murdering and scavenging as you go. As you enter the VIM! Corporate Headquarters you'll be set upon by a handful of Super Mutants. A spike to the head of each should suffice.

This triggers a new quest, The Way Life Should Be. It's safe to do the entire VIM! Factory section of this quest - which is clearly marked in that guide - but put the moral choice unlocked after on hold for now.

Uncover the Location of the Nuclear Launch Key

This takes you to the Southeast corner of Far Harbor's main landmass, to the Harbor Grand Hotel. It's a popular lodgings with the local Super Mutant populace. Once there, fight or sneak your way inside.

If you've done these three mini-quests in the order displayed here before tackling any of the branches, this triggers one of the objectives in Cleansing the Land - track down the launch codes.

Depending on your choices, you will now want to proceed to either Fallout 4: Far Harbor - The Way Life Should Be or Fallout 4: Far Harbor - Cleansing the Land...

...or return to page one for the index to our Fallout 4: Far Harbor guide.

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