Far Cry 5 - Pooper Scooper solution

Publish date: 2023-01-08
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Far Cry 5 Pooper Scooper is a puzzle you have to solve within the Henbane River region.

It's one of many Prepper Stash locations you'll find throughout the game, all giving you rewards once you solve and figure out how to access them.

If you're interested in other Far Cry 5 guides, we have have articles on endings, fishing and perks.

Pooper Scooper solution

Location: Silver Lake Summer Camp

Rewards: 3 x perk magazines, $1,000

You'll need to head to Silver Lake Summer Camp to collect this Prepper Stash and you'll find it south of the Drubman Marina, just down the road. There will be to to three cultists patrolling this area so take them down however you see fit.

Look for a noticeboard next door to the main house - it's here you'll find the Prepper Stash clue you need to activate the side-quest in question.

Now look towards the house, climb onto the bench on the porch and use it to climb up onto the porch. Now climb up onto the roof. Head towards the front of the house and drop down onto the roof of the front porch.

Now turn right and look for a boarded up window on the side of the house. Melee it to break it - climb through to enter the bedroom. You'll know be inside a house full of dogs - don't worry, they're friendly doggos and won't hurt you.

Head down the stairs and enter the kitchen. On the side, you'll see a phone. Interact with it to play a recorded message. Turns out the key you need to proceed is inside one of the piles dog excrement that line the floors of this abandoned house.

We found the key upstairs in the bathroom next door to the bedroom through which we entered the house. Bring the key back down to the kitchen and take the small set of stairs down to another room with a locked door.

Unlock the door and turn right. Walk past the noticeboard where you started the side-mission and you'll approach three numbered cabins.

Number one has a wolverine inside (hence why there's a red marker on the compass, but no enemies in sight); number three is full of dog food and number two has all the goodies from the Prepper Stash. Unlock the door with the keycard to collect your bounty.

Looking for more Far Cry 5 guides? Learn how to complete the Arcade Dawn Live Event this week, and when you're back in the campaign, make use of our Prepper Stash locations list, which are among the most interesting missions in the game. As well as Far Cry 5 animal locations, we have an in-depth look at how to fish and hard fishing spots, as well as Bass, Trout, Salmon and Sturgeon locations. All of these can help you unlock Perks in the Challenges List, and ultimately, unlock those Far Cry 5 endings.

While you're here, check out other Prepper Stash locations within Henbane River (Faith's region):

Each one will have a different collection of items, ranging from ammunition, to perk points to weapons and they're an ideal for players in their early hours of play to bank plenty of cash and unlock those perks.

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