Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode - enemies list, rewards, and strategies

Publish date: 2022-02-21

New to Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age is Trial Mode, a kind of challenge that has you face off against a series of enemy waves, progressing in difficulty to some pretty phenomenal levels.

Here in this guide, we'll give you a quick lowdown of what Trial Mode is, how to access Trial Mode and what the requirements are, and then take a look at some general Trial Mode strategies and a list of Trial Mode enemies and rewards.

For more Final Fantasy 12 help, meanwhile, be sure to take a look at our Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide and walkthrough, which houses a contents of all our other Final Fantasy 12 guides, too.

Here's what's on this page:

What is Final Fantasy 12's Trial Mode and what are the requirements?

Once you've gained some permanent party members in Act 2 you can have a go at Trials - selecting it from the main menu will prompt you to pick a save file, and the game will load your party details from there and then drop you into a wave-based survival mode, starting off against rats and gradually working its way through increasingly difficult foes.

Survive as long as you can, and when it's over you'll find a new save when you come to load a game. Loading this new save from the normal “Load game” option on the menu will drop you back into the game where you were before, but any EXP/LP/loot you gathered during your ordeal will be added to your stats.

Obviously the further through the game you are the longer you're going to last and the greater your rewards, and as you can take part at any time without interrupting your game progress it's a handy way of getting some grinding in without worrying about advancing the plot.

In terms of strategy, due to the very varied nature of the foes you'll face you'll probably need to change your party and gambits multiple times, and you'll want to have a broad range of accessories with you - if you've got the Gil then having six of everything wouldn't hurt.

Because of the lack of a resting period between bouts a good supply of Hi-Elixir and X-Potions are handy to give yourself a quick pick-me-up whenever possible, and Licenses that restore MP for taking damage, giving damage, and killing an enemy are essential - your White Mage in particular is going to be burning through MP like there's no tomorrow, so any opportunity to get it back is not to be missed.

Really the best thing to do is just give it a go and see how you fare - for the most part once you start seeing enemies you've not encountered yet you can be reasonably sure your visit to the Trials is about to come to an end, but as there's no harm in losing (other than the cost of any items you consume) you're free to experiment as often as you like.

Your reward for completing the ordeal is a Trophy and "New Game Minus". Playing the game in this mode is recommended only for masochists - your characters will stay at level 1 for the entire game making it incredibly challenging to even get past the first chapter.

We won't give specific strategies for each round - as all the enemies are ones you'll encounter elsewhere in the game you can consult the main guide if any are giving you particular trouble - but to help you prepare we've compiled a list of foes if you want to look them up in advance.

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 1-10 enemies and rewards list

Dire Rat (6)1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
Thextera, Alpha Wolf, Alpha Hyena1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
The Thextera is the first optional Mark in the game.
Flowering Cactoid. Cactoid (2), Cactite (4), Ripe Rampager1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
You don't have to kill the Ripe Rampager to finish the round.
Razorfin, Ichthon (4)1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
Nekhbet, Werewolf, Cockatrice (4)1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
Cluckatrice, Chickatrice (4)1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
The enemies are out of aggro range when the round starts and you'll need to approach them to start combat so it gives you a moment of safety to prepare.
Judge (2), Imperial Swordsman (2), Imperial Magus1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
Only the Judges need to be defeated to complete the round.
Bagoly (6), Imdugud1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
You'll have to move around the walkway to get to them - we'd recommend starting the fight as quickly as possible while they're still in the open area otherwise they have a tendency to crowd you in a narrow area. Only the Bagolies are required to finish the round.
Liches (3), Cultsworn Lich1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
If you can defeat the Liches quickly enough the Cultsworn Lich won't spawn.
Belias1000 Gil
Hi-Potion (10)
Handkerchief (15)
Phoenix Down (20)
A repeat of the fight with your first Esper.

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 11-20 enemies and rewards list

Craokadlie2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)
Jelly (8), Melt2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)
Defeat the Jellies before Melt spawns!
Tiamat2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)
Panther (5)2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)
Elder Wyrm, Treant (2)2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)
Only the Elder Wyrm is required to end the round, but getting rid of them first makes the fight a bit easier.
Mateus, Ice Azer (5)2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)
Mindflayer (3)2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)
Without immunity against Stop this fight can end your run.
Ring Wyrm2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)
Earth Tyrant2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)
Vulture (6)2000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Lowtown Spirit (5)

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 21-30 enemies and rewards list

King Bomb, Bombs (3 at a time, may respawn)3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
Killing King Bomb will end the round, but doing so without killing the bombs is more difficult.
Topstalk, Deadly Nightshade (8)3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
These are all variations on theboss fight from the Sochen Cave Palace.
Pumpkin Star, Pumpkin Stalk (8)3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
Mandragora Prince, Mandragora (8)3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
Onion Queen, Wild Onion (8)3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
Alraune King, Alraune (8)3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
Topstalk, Pumpkin Star, Mandragora Prince, Onion Queen,Alraune King3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
Wendice, Striker (2), Cubus3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
Ahriman, Ahriman Image (6)3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
As with the fight during the story, he will spawn the Images during the fight - killing them is not necessary.
Gil Snapper, Storm Elemental (3)3000 Gil
Ether (10)
Echo Herb (15)
The Storm Elementals don't need to be killed to to end the round, and you'll have Bansat fighting alongside you.

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 31-40 enemies and rewards list

Enemies4000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Bansat, Seeq Fisher (4), Aspara4001 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Aspara isn't required to win the round.
Zalera, Dead Bones4002 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Dead Bones will continue to spawn (a maximum of four at a time) and aren't required to complete the round.
Scythe Mantis (4)4003 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Marilith, Bogey (3)4004 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Only Marilith needs to be killed to win the round.
Adrammalech, Skulwyrm (2)4005 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Only Adrammalech needs to be killed to tne the round.
Dreadguard, Mirrorknight (4)4006 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Behemoth (5)4007 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Mythril Golem (3)4008 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Shemhazai, Ose (2)4009 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)
Only Shemhazai needs to be killed to end the round.
Gavial, Baritine Croc (2)4010 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Reverse Mote (3)

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 41-50 enemies and rewards list

Orthros, White Mousse (3)5000 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
Cúchulainn, Foobar (4)5001 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
The Foobars don't need to be defeated to end the round.
Deathclaw (4), Pallicant5002 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
Antlion, Killer Mantis (4)5003 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
Vishno, Brainpan (2), Deidar (2), Crusader (16+)5004 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
The Crusaders will continue to spawn for a while, but don't need to be killed.
Purobolos (6)5005 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
Aeronite (2)5006 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
Tower, Zombie Warlock (16+)5007 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
The Zombie Warlocks will continue to spawn for a while, but don't need to be killed.
Hashmal, Reaver (2)5008 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
Only Hashmal needs to be defeated.
Famfrit, Abaddon (3)5009 Gil
X-Potion (10)
Chronos Tear (15)
Only Famfrit needs to be defeated.

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 51-60 enemies and rewards list

Helvinek, Oversoul (2)6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)
Catoblepas6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)
War-Chief Supinelu will be fighting alongside you.
War-Chief Supinelu, Garif Adventurer (2)6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)
Deathscythe, Reaper (2)6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)
Tyrant, Piscodaemon (3)6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)
Larva Eater, Elvoret (4)6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)
Helm-, Spinner-, and Sphere-Rook (2 of each)6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)
Trickster; Black, Red, Brown, and Green Chocobos6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)
B'Gamnan, Rinok, Gijuk, Bwagi6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)
Only B'Gamnan needs to be defeated, and Monid will be fighting alongside you.
Monid, Bangaa Hunter (2), Rabanastre Watch (2)6000 Gil
Phoenix Down (10)
Scathe Mote (3)

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 61-70 enemies and rewards list

Bakanmy (8)7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
2 sword, 3 gun, and 3 unarmed.
Vorpal Bunny, Biding Mantis, Vampyr7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
Only the Vorpal Bunny needs to be defeated, but he's very fast on his feet so taking out the others first stops them getting in the way.
Ozmone Hare, Mu, Wyrdhare, Vorpal Bunny, Fury7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
Humbaba Mistant (2), Vorres7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
Only the Mistants need to be defeated.
Deathgaze, Vyraal (2)7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
Master Joe, Bangaa Pugilist (5)7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
Shield Wyrm, Dheed7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
Exodus, Golem (2)7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
Only Exodus is required to end the round.
Wild Marlboro, Cassie (4), Spee7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
Only the Wild Marlboro is required to end the round.
Carrot, Vivian (4), Crypt Bunny7000 Gil
Hi-Ether (10)
Serum (15)
You'll have Krjn fighting alongside you, and only Carrot is required to end the round.

For more help with? Final Fantasy 12? Our Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide, walkthrough, Switch and Xbox differences gives an overview of the game to get you started. Elsewhere, there's our hidden Espers strategy and locations and Elite Hunts and Marks pages, how to get the best Zodiac Jobs for each character, advice on farming LP from Jellies and even how to get the Zodiac Spear.

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 71-80 enemies and rewards list

Krjan, Viera Hunter (5)8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)
Diabolos, Avenger, Overlord8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)
Salamand Entite, Fire Elemental (4)8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)
Your Black Mage will be working overtime here and be a prime target, so casting Decoy onto your tank can save a lot of deaths.
Mardu Entite, Storm Elemental (4)8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)
Leshach Entite, Ice Elemental (4)8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)
Gnoma Entite, Earth Elemental (4)8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)
Undin Entite, Water Elemental (4)8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)
Sylphi Entite, Air Elemental (4)8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)
Luxollid, Diakon Entite (2)8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)
Vagrant Soul, Leamonde Entite (2)8000 Gil
Elixir (3)
Bubble Mote (2)

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 81-90 enemies and rewards list

Zeromus, Dark Lord9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)
The Dark Lords will spawn indefinitely.
High Reaver (2), Reaver (3), Crystal Knight9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)
The Crystal Knight is not required to end the round.
Giruveganus (3)9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)
Chaos, Chaosjets (4)9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)
The Chaosjets are not required to finish the round.
Pylraster, Abelisk, Terror Tyrant9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)
Rikken, Elza, Pirate (6)9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)
Hell Wyrm9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)
Disma, Forbidden (multiple), Evil Spirit9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)
Only Disma is required to end the round.
Fafnir9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)
Behemoth King9000 Gil
Megalixir (2)
Remedy (15)

Final Fantasy 12 Trial Mode Stages 91-100 enemies and rewards list

Magick Pot, HecteyesNoneThe Hecteyes are not required to win the round and will spawn almost indefinitely; give Magick Pot an Elixir before hitting him!
Shadowseer, Fenrir, Slyt, Pandaemonium, PhoenixNoneNone
Lv.99 Red Chocobo (3)None3 Ribbons to be had as loot - these will come in invaluable in the next few fights, so be sure to collect them when they drop!
Gilgamesh, EnkiduNoneOnly Gilgamesh is required to win the fight, although as with the in-game encounters with him we'd suggest getting rid of him ASAP.
Abysteel, Glaring EyeNoneThe Abysteels will keep coming for quite some time, so wait for the round to have definitely ended before dropping your guard.
YiazmatNoneYes, really.
Omega MK XIINoneNone
Judge Gabranth, Judge Ghis, Judge Bergan, Judge Drace, Judge ZargabaathNew Game plusNone

That's it for Trials Mode, but take a look at our Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide and walkthrough for much more!
