LA Noire - A Marriage Made in Heaven

Publish date: 2022-03-16
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LA Noire's A Marriage Made in Heaven is one of many cases on the Traffic desk, following on from The Consul's Car.

If you're interested in help elsewhere, our LA Noire guide and walkthrough is well worth a visit. Otherwise, here's how to solve A Marriage Made in Heaven.

A Marriage Made in Heaven

At first glance this looks like a pretty standard hit and run, but something feels a little off about it...

Location: Ray's Cafe


Interview: Shannon Perry

Head inside Ray's, and grab your third Newspaper from the bar.

Interview: Dudley Lynch

Use the phone in the back of the bar.

Lorna Pattison interview

Location: Pattison Residence

Interview Lorna Pattison:

Use the phone in the bedroom to call Central Morgue.

Location: Shelton Residence (Optional)

Chase William Shelton.

Location: Central Morgue

Talk to the Coroner.

Need more assistance with all things LA Noire? Inspect our main LA Noire walkthrough and guide, for detailed info and solutions for every case, tackled step-by-step. For time out in the open world, we have guides on Golden Reel locations, Badge Pursuit Challenge locations, Landmark locations, an outfits list, a hidden vehicles and cars list and finally a guide to completing LA Noire Street Crime side-quests.

Next case: LA Noire - A Slip of the Tongue

Location: Pattison Residence

Chase Leroy Sabo and take him down. Try and shoot him while he's running - if he gets too far he'll take a hostage and you'll need to shoot him quickly whilst not hurting the hostage which is much trickier.

Another case closed; a grisly end, sure, but you got your man. Two for two; a good start!

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