LA Noire - The Naked City

Publish date: 2022-08-02
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LA Noire's The Naked City is one of many cases on the Vice desk - and a DLC case in the original release - and follows on from The Setup.

If you're interested in help elsewhere, our LA Noire guide and walkthrough is well worth a visit. Otherwise, here's how to solve The Naked City.

The Naked City

This may be vice, but it seems the trail of death just won't leave you alone...

Location: Crime Scene


You'll earn the "A Good Looking Corpse" trophy for finding all the drugs in the apartment.

Interview Virginia Reynoldson:

Location: Dr. Stoneman's Practice

Look at the board on the right to find that the doctor is in room 505, then use the elevator to head upstairs.

Interview Dr. Stoneman:

Location: D'Assine Dress Store

Interview Dress Store Owner:

Interview Heather Swanson:

Use the gamewell outside the shop.

Location: Hollywood Receiving Hospital

Head into the Morgue and talk to the coroner, then look at the bodies and the harmonica.

Location: Hollywood Police Station

Interview Henry Arnett:

Tail Henry Arnett's car to the pawnbroker, then follow him on foot to the travel agent. This is one of the trickiest tailing missions in the game as there's not much cover available and Arnett is pretty observant, but if you make it without him getting suspicious you'll earn the "Fakeloo" trophy.

Once you've reconvened with Roy use the phone across the street.

Location: Hollywood Ninth Beat

Chase the guy that runs off to the right, then have a shootout with him and his four accomplices.

Location: Hollywood Police Station

Check the stolen items list and point out the Fabergé Gold Cigarette Case, Black Sapphire Ring, Silver Pill Box, and Pearl Ring.

Location: Everstrom Residence

Interview Mrs. Everstrom:

Drive Heather Swanson to Arnett's apartment; make it there without any vehicle damage to earn the trophy "Chauffer Service".

Location: Arnett's Apartment

Chase Arnett out through the window, down the fire escape, and across the plank.


Interview Mr. Arnett:

Location: Dr. Stoneman's Practice

Speak to Stoneman, then use the phone in his office.

Need more assistance with all things LA Noire? Inspect our main LA Noire walkthrough and guide, for detailed info and solutions for every case, tackled step-by-step. For time out in the open world, we have guides on Golden Reel locations, Badge Pursuit Challenge locations, Landmark locations, an outfits list, a hidden vehicles and cars list and finally a guide to completing LA Noire Street Crime side-quests.

Next case: LA Noire - Manifest Destiny

Location: Willy's Apartment

Walk down the street and take your first left then keep going until you hear the harmonica. Once Willy makes a run for it chase him up to the roof and then shoot him down as he climbs the illuminated sign.

The trophy / achievement 'Give My Regards' can be earned by shooting all the letters in the BROADWAY sign before taking Willy out.

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