LA Noire - The Silk Stocking Murder

Publish date: 2023-06-21
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LA Noire's The Silk Stocking Murder is one of many cases on the Homicide desk, following on from The Golden Butterfly.

If you're interested in help elsewhere, our LA Noire guide and walkthrough is well worth a visit. Otherwise, here's how to solve The Silk Stocking Murder.

The Silk Stocking Murder

Eli may be safely behind bars and the DA is happy, but this is LA and the murders aren't going to stop any time soon.

Location: Crime Scene


Follow the blood trail to find more Clues:

Location: Antonia's Residence

Speak to the landlady, and then head to room 5 upstairs.


Interview Barbara Lapenti:

Location: El Dorado Bar

Read the letter the barman gives you.

Interview Diego Agular:

Leave through the rear entrance to bump into someone making a delivery.

Location: Maldonado Residence

Examine the doorbells to the right to find Maldonado's apart number, 304, and head upstairs. After a quick punchup, search the kitchen for Clues:


Location: Central Police Station

Meet the Captain in the basement and examine the two letters. Strange things are afoot...

Interrogation of Angel Maldonado:

Location: Just Picked Fruit Market

Interview Clem Feeney:

Investigate the back room to search for Clues:

Need more assistance with all things LA Noire? Inspect our main LA Noire walkthrough and guide, for detailed info and solutions for every case, tackled step-by-step. For time out in the open world, we have guides on Golden Reel locations, Badge Pursuit Challenge locations, Landmark locations, an outfits list, a hidden vehicles and cars list and finally a guide to completing LA Noire Street Crime side-quests.

Next case: LA Noire - The White Shoe Slaying

Clem makes a run for it, so hop in your car and get after him. Don't try and overtake him while he's taking shortcuts off road, and wait for him to get on the main streets then pull up alongside him so your partner can take out his tires.

The streets of LA are once again a little safer, but the job's not over yet.

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