Mass Effect Andromeda: Helping Havarl’s Scientists, Meet the Resistance

Publish date: 2023-02-01
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Mass Effect Andromeda Helping Havarl's Scientists and Meet the Resistance are two side-missions you can choose from as part of the A Trail of Hope mission.

Shortly after you recruit Jaal, you'll be back on the Tempest and have these two missions to choose from, which are described below. Pick and complete either, and you can get back to A Trail of Hope.

If you're after help for parts of the game, consult our Mass Effect Andromeda walkthrough and guide.

Helping Havarl's Scientists

Travel to Havarl, Make contact with the scientists at Pelaav

Take the Tempest to Havarl and walk to the science station. There's a Forward Post to be deployed just behind it, so activate that before heading into the building.

Speak to the scientist inside and then make your way through the jungle to the monolith. You'll run into some hostile wildlife on the way so watch where you're going!

14 things you need to try in Mass Effect Andromeda

Help the researchers who are trapped at the monolith

When you reach the monolith there'll be the usual Remnant resistance to deal with before you can access the terminal. Use your scanner to locate the glyphs in the room, then access the terminal for a Remnant Decryption puzzle.

Return to Kiiran Dals

Once the scientists are free fast travel back to the Forward Post and report in before returning to the Tempest.

Want more help? Our Mass Effect Andromeda walkthrough and guide provides steps to completing every main mission, and our on-going Remnant Decryption puzzle solutions can help with the many Sudoku-like challenges the game can throw at you. Meanwhile, we can help with Memory Trigger locations, Architect locations and the hidden Fusion Mod of Adrenaline, as well as helping you decide on the many Mass Effect Andromeda Romance options for both male and female Ryder.

Meet the Resistance

This mission out of the two has much fewer steps.

Take the Tempest to Voeld, quickly make your way towards the marker, and speak to the resistance forces - it's a cold planet so don't hang around too long outside.

Once you've met your contact, activate the Forward Outpost on the other side of the cave, and return to the Tempest.

From there, call Evfra from the Tempest's meeting room to continue A Trail of Hope and to infiltrate the Kett facility.

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