New Pokémon Snap walkthrough, story guide, objective list and tips

Publish date: 2022-09-12

New Pokémon Snap for the Nintendo Switch is the sequel to Pokémon Snap, which was originally released on the Nintendo 64.

In New Pokémon Snap, you take on the role of a Pokémon researcher who has travelled to the Lental region to assist Professor Mirror with his investigation into the rare Illumina Pokémon. Your job is to travel through various parts of the region to take photos of the Pokémon which inhabit them.

Our New Pokémon Snap walkthrough lists all the objectives you must complete to help you complete your research in the Lental Region. We've also included a list to help you become the best Pokémon photographer around.

On this page:

New Pokémon Snap - Overview Trailer - Nintendo Switch

How does New Pokémon Snap's story work?

The story for New Pokémon Snap mostly follows a linear structure, with the game occasionally offering you the chance to tackle courses in whichever order you please.

You progress through the storyline by either completing a course, increasing your Research Level for a particular course or photographing a specific object or Pokémon in a certain course.

Your next objective will be explained in cutscenes, which usually occur after a Photo Evaluation, and in tips given by characters on the Lental region map where you select which course you wish to visit next.

Once you've unlocked a course, you can visit it whenever you like no matter where you are in the storyline. You can also continue to increase a course's Research Level for a course, meaning, if you want a break from the story, you can simply relax and take photos.

For more information, including an estimate on how it will take you to complete the game, check out our New Pokémon Snap length guide. There are also six new courses to unlock thanks to the New Pokémon Snap update, which was released in August 2021.

New Pokémon Snap walkthrough

Here you find a complete list of all the objectives you need to complete for New Pokémon Snap's storyline arranged in a semi-chronological order, as it does occasionally break linearity.

It's important to note that this section does contain major spoilers for the entire game, so, if you'd prefer to remain surprised, we highly recommended skipping this section.

Thanks to the New Pokémon Snap update in August 2021, there are now six courses which are not part of the overall storyline.

To make navigating this walkthrough easier, we've organised these objectives under the location name they are connected to. This means if the storyline requires you to play through the night version of the Florio Nature Park, for example, then this objective will be under the Florio Nature Park heading.

Again - this section does contain spoilers!


Florio Nature Park

Founja Jungle

You will now unlock both the day courses for Blushing Beach on the Maricopia Island and Sweltering Sans on Voluca Island. These courses can be tackled in any order you please, though this walkthrough heads to Voluca Island first.

Sweltering Sands

Blushing Beach

Maricopia Reef

Lental Seafloor

Fireflow Volcano

Elsewhere Forest

Fireflow Volcano

Shiver Snowfields

Outaway Cave

Ruins of Remembrance

Congratulations - you've completed the storyline for New Pokémon Snap!

You will have also unlocked the ability to see your total course scores, the Reef (Evening) at Maricopia Reef and Burst Mode, which will allow you to take multiple photos with one click.

Other New Pokémon Snap guides

Here you find our guides covering over aspects of New Pokémon Snap:

Storyline guides:

Pokémon locations:

Legendary Pokémon:

Tips and tricks for New Pokémon Snap

Below you'll find some tips and tricks which you might find yourself during your journey across the Lental region in New Pokémon Snap:

Good luck in your Pokémon photography quest!
