Pokémon Go Fest 2022 research steps Battle, Catch, Explore, best Choose Path choice and rewards

Publish date: 2023-04-15

The Pokémon Go Fest 2022 special research quest is part of Go Fest 2022 in Pokémon Go and offers you the chance to add Land Forme Shaymin to your Pokédex.

Pokémon Go Fest 2022 is also a branching quest, with three different paths for you to choose from. You also have to select which difficulty level you wish the quest to be and, for both of these reasons, it’s a good idea to know which Choose Path choice is best for you.

With Land Forme Shaymin’s initial release being part of Go Fest 2022, unlocking this questline requires you to have purchased a ticket for the event. Land Forme Shaymin will, however, most likely be made available to every Pokémon Go player via a new special research quest in a similar manner to past mythical Pokémon, like Meloetta, Victini and Celebi.

Additionally, the 'Rhi's Arrival' special research is available to everyone during Go Fest 2022 Day 2, and 'A Radiant World' for ticket-holders who complete the Rhi's Arrival quest during the second day of the special event.

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Pokémon Go Fest 2022 special research quest:

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‘Pokémon Go Fest 2022’ quest steps in Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go Fest 2022 is a special research quest in Pokémon Go that is only available to players who’ve purchased a Go Fest 2022 ticket. You must also play Pokémon Go on either Saturday, 4th June or Sunday, 5th June between 10am to 6pm (local time) to unlock this questline.

Pokémon Go Fest 2022 is the first quest in Pokémon Go where you have to select a difficulty level - Relaxed, Standard and Master. Your selection will have an effect on some of the challenges you receive and determine which sticker you receive from Pokémon Go Fest 2022, but not the other rewards you earn.

You’ll also be given the choice between three paths - Battle, Catch and Explore - with your selection determining the challenges and rewards you receive from this quest.

Below you’ll find the first set of challenges and rewards for the Pokémon Go Fest 2022 special research quest and, afterwards, we outline each individual path in their own dedicated section. Be prepared for spoilers though!

‘Pokémon Go Fest 2022’ Step 1 of 7

Rewards: 2022 XP, 2 Razz Berries and a Poffin

Upon completing this step, you’ll be asked to choose between the three paths - Battle, Catch or Explore.

Once you’ve completed the second set of challenges for this quest, you’ll then be asked to select a difficulty level - Relaxed, Standard or Master.

Battle Path quest steps in Pokémon Go

Below you’ll find the challenges and rewards for the Battle Path of Pokémon Go Fest 2022 in Pokémon Go.

The first step for this path - and the second in the overall quest - will be the same for everyone who selects Battle:

‘Pokémon Go Fest 2022 - Battle’ Step 2 of 7

Rewards: 2 Max Potions, 2 Max Revives and a Land Forme Shaymin T-Shirt

After finishing this step, you’ll be asked to choose the difficulty level for the rest of the special research quest.

We’ve organised the following steps by difficulty level - Relaxed, Standard and Master - so make sure you find the set which corresponds to the difficulty you choose. Just be wary of spoilers!

Relaxed Battle Steps

‘Battle - Relaxed’ Step 3 of 7

Rewards: 2 Revives, 2 Premium Battle Passes and a Klink encounter

‘Battle - Relaxed’ Step 4 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Rare Candies and a Tropius encounter

‘Battle - Relaxed’ Step 5 of 7

Rewards: 2 Premium Battle Passes, 2 Max Revives and a Torkoal encounter

‘Battle - Relaxed’ Step 6 of 7

Rewards: 22 Ultra Balls, 2 Rare Candies and a Shaymin encounter

‘Battle - Relaxed’ Step 7 of 7

Rewards: 22 Shaymin Candy, Gracidea Bouquet Pose and 22 Relaxed Willow Stickers

Standard Battle Steps

‘Battle - Standard’ Step 3 of 7

Rewards: 2 Revives, 2 Premium Battle Passes and a Klink encounter

‘Battle - Relaxed’ Step 4 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Rare Candies and a Tropius encounter

‘Battle - Relaxed’ Step 5 of 7

Rewards: 2 Premium Battle Passes, 2 Max Revives and a Torkoal encounter

‘Battle - Relaxed’ Step 6 of 7

Rewards: 22 Ultra Balls, 2 Rare Candies and a Shaymin encounter

‘Battle - Relaxed’ Step 7 of 7

Rewards: 22 Shaymin Candy, Gracidea Bouquet Pose and 22 Master Willow Stickers

Master Battle Steps

‘Battle - Master’ Step 3 of 7

Rewards: 2 Revives, 2 Premium Battle Passes and a Klink encounter

‘Battle - Master’ Step 4 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Rare Candies and a Tropius encounter

‘Battle - Master’ Step 5 of 7

Rewards: 2 Premium Battle Passes, 2 Max Revives and a Torkoal encounter

‘Battle - Master’ Step 6 of 7

Rewards: 22 Ultra Balls, 2 Rare Candies and a Shaymin encounter

‘Battle - Master’ Step 7 of 7

Rewards: 22 Shaymin Candy, Gracidea Bouquet Pose and 22 Master Willow Stickers

Catch Path quest steps in Pokémon Go

Here are the challenges and rewards for the Catch Path of the Pokémon Go Fest 2022 special research quest in Pokémon Go.

The first step for this path, and the second in the quest overall, will be the same for every player who selected Catch:

‘Pokémon Go Fest 2022 - Catch’ Step 2 of 7

Rewards: 2022 XP, 22 Poké Balls and a Land Forme Shaymin T-Shirt

After completing this step, you’ll have to pick the difficulty level you wish to complete the rest of the quest at.

The steps below have been organised by difficulty - Relaxed, Standard and Master - so find the set which corresponds to the one you choose. Remember these sections contain spoilers!

Relaxed Catch Steps

‘Catch - Relaxed’ Step 3 of 7

Rewards: 22 Great Balls, 2 Pinap Berries and a Klink encounter

‘Catch - Relaxed’ Step 4 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Rare Candies and a Tropius encounter

‘Catch - Relaxed’ Step 5 of 7

Rewards: 2 Incense, 22 Ultra Balls and a Torkoal encounter

‘Catch - Relaxed’ Step 6 of 7

Rewards: 22 Ultra Balls, 2 Rare Candies and a Shaymin encounter

‘Catch - Relaxed’ Step 7 of 7

Rewards: 22 Shaymin Candy, Gracideo Bouquet Pose and 22 Relaxed Willow Stickers

Standard Catch Steps

‘Catch - Standard’ Step 3 of 7

Rewards: 22 Great Balls, 2 Pinap Berries and a Klink encounter

‘Catch - Standard’ Step 4 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Rare Candies and a Tropius encounter

‘Catch - Standard’ Step 5 of 7

Rewards: 2 Incense, 22 Ultra Balls and a Torkoal encounter

‘Catch - Standard’ Step 6 of 7

Rewards: 22 Ultra Balls, 2 Rare Candies and a Shaymin encounter

‘Catch - Standard’ Step 7 of 7

Rewards: 22 Shaymin Candy, Gracideo Bouquet Pose and 22 Standard Willow Stickers

Master Catch Steps

‘Catch - Master’ Step 3 of 7

Rewards: 22 Great Balls, 2 Pinap Berries and a Klink encounter

‘Catch - Master’ Step 4 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Rare Candies and a Tropius encounter

‘Catch - Master’ Step 5 of 7

Rewards: 2 Incense, 22 Ultra Balls and a Torkoal encounter

‘Catch - Master’ Step 6 of 7

Rewards: 22 Ultra Balls, 2 Rare Candies and a Shaymin encounter

‘Catch - Master’ Step 7 of 7

Rewards: 22 Shaymin Candy, Gracideo Bouquet Pose and 22 Master Willow Stickers

Explore Path quest steps in Pokémon Go

Below lies the Explore Path challenges and rewards for the Pokémon Go Fest 2022 special research quest in Pokémon Go.

The first step, and second step for the quest overall, is the same for every player who choose the Explore Path:

‘Pokémon Go Fest 2022 - Explore’ Step 2 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Lucky Eggs and a Land Forme Shaymin T-Shirt

Upon completing this quest, you need to select the difficulty level for the rest of the quest.

These steps have been organised by the three difficulty options - Relaxed, Standard and Master - so find the challenges which match the difficulty level you selected. This section does contain spoilers!

Relaxed Explore Steps

‘Explore - Relaxed’ Step 3 of 7

Rewards: 2022 XP, 2 Egg Incubators and a Klink encounter

‘Explore - Relaxed’ Step 4 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Rare Candy and a Tropius encounter

‘Explore - Relaxed’ Step 5 of 7

Rewards: 2022 XP, 2 Super Incubators and a Torkoal encounter

‘Explore - Relaxed’ Step 6 of 7

Rewards: 22 Ultra Balls, 2 Rare Candies and a Shaymin encounter

‘Explore - Relaxed’ Step 7 of 7

Rewards: 22 Shaymin Candy, Gracidea Bouquet Pose and 22 Relaxed Willow Stickers

Standard Explore Steps

‘Explore - Standard’ Step 3 of 7

Rewards: 2022 XP, 2 Egg Incubators and a Klink encounter

‘Explore - Standard’ Step 4 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Rare Candy and a Tropius encounter

‘Explore - Standard’ Step 5 of 7

Rewards: 2022 XP, 2 Super Incubators and a Torkoal encounter

‘Explore - Standard’ Step 6 of 7

Rewards: 22 Ultra Balls, 2 Rare Candies and a Shaymin encounter

‘Explore - Relaxed’ Step 7 of 7

Rewards: 22 Shaymin Candy, Gracidea Bouquet Pose and 22 Standard Willow Stickers

Master Explore Steps

‘Explore - Master’ Step 3 of 7

Rewards: 2022 XP, 2 Egg Incubators and a Klink encounter

‘Explore - Master’ Step 4 of 7

Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 2 Rare Candy and a Tropius encounter

‘Explore - Master’ Step 5 of 7

Rewards: 2022 XP, 2 Super Incubators and a Torkoal encounter

‘Explore - Master’ Step 6 of 7

Rewards: 22 Ultra Balls, 2 Rare Candies and a Shaymin encounter

‘Explore - Master’ Step 7 of 7

Rewards: 22 Shaymin Candy, Gracidea Bouquet Pose and 22 Master Willow Stickers

Pokémon Go Fest 2022 best Choose Path in Pokémon Go

The Pokémon Go Fest 2022 special research quest has two choices which decide what challenges you’ll face and changes a number of the rewards you receive. It’s important to remember that once you’ve chosen a path, it can not be changed.

The first occurs after completing Step 1 and offers you the choice between Battle, Catch and Explore. Each of these choices focuses on a different set of activities in Pokémon Go, which you can find below:

While the majority of the rewards you receive remain the same, some differ depending on which step you pick. The Explore Path, for example, will reward you with incubators, while the Battle Path has a selection of TMs and more Premium Battle Passes as rewards.

When it comes to choosing the best path for you, we recommend thinking about which activities you prefer in Pokémon and which rewards you like best.

Personally I’ll be picking the Explore Path, because I enjoy playing Pokémon Go on long walks and really need those extra incubators for 12km eggs.

The second choice you make occurs after completing Step 2 and asks you to choose the difficulty level for the rest of the quest - Relaxed, Standard and Master.

It’s important to note that this choice only changes the stickers you’ll earn from completing the quest and a number of challenges, but not the overall rewards.

For this reason, we recommend looking at the different challenges you’ll face for each difficulty level listed above before making this decision and consider how long it will take you to complete these challenges.

If you want to complete this quest quickly, for example, then choose Relaxed. Yet, if you’re looking for a longer challenge, then Master is the way to go.

The Season of Go has arrived! The Pokémon TCG Crossover event is here, which includes the release of Wimpod and Golisopod. While Go Fest 2022 may be behind us, there are still three special research quests you might be working on - Pokémon Go Fest 2022, Rhi's Arrival and A Radiant World. Meanwhile, the Great League and Great League and Great League Remix are currently running in the Go Battle League Season 11. This season has also seen the lowering of the level requirement for Candy XL and introduced the first Ultra Beast, Nihilego.

How Pokémon Go Fest 2022 works during Day One of Pokémon Go Fest 2022

Pokémon Go Fest 2022 is the special research quest released on Day One - Saturday, 4th June - of Go Fest 2022 and is exclusive to players who purchased a ticket for the event. Completing this quest will allow you to add the mythical Land Forme Shaymin to your Pokédex.

At the time of writing, there is no way to transform Shaymin into its Sky Forme in Pokémon Go.

To unlock this questline you must log into Pokémon Go on either Saturday, 4th June or Sunday, 5th June between 10am to 6pm (local time), which is when the event is live. Doing so will automatically unlock this special research quest and, since it has no deadline, you can complete it at your own pace.

If you don’t purchase a Go Fest 2022 ticket, you won’t be able to access this research quest.

Like all research quests, Pokémon Go Fest 2022 is divided into a series of quest steps and each one has a number of challenges. Completing these tasks will not only unlock rewards, but allow you to progress through the questline.

Pokémon Go Fest 2022 is also a branching quest and, therefore, offers you a selection of paths that all have different challenges and rewards. What makes Pokémon Go Fest 2022 different compared to all the special research quests which have come before it - branching or not - is its difficulty setting.

You must choose between Relaxed, Standard and Master - with Relaxed being the easiest and Master the hardest. Aside from affecting the difficulty level of the challenges you receive from Pokémon Go Fest 2022, this choice will also determine which sticker you receive from the quest. The other rewards, however, will not be affected.

Good luck catching Land Forme Shaymin in Go Fest 2022!

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