Pokémon Go habitat and legendary raid rotation schedule and every habitat Pokémon for Go Fest 2021

Publish date: 2022-06-11

Rotating habitats and legendary raid hours are part of the Go Fest 2021 celebrations in Pokémon Go.

The first day - Saturday, 17th July - is divided into five habitats: Jungle, Desert Mountain, Ocean Beach and Cave. Each one has a set of Pokémon which, either in the wild or with incense, will only during this hour and a dedicated Collection Challenge.

On Sunday 18th July, the second day of Go Fest 2021, every legendary Pokémon which has been released so far into Pokémon Go will be assigned to one of four raid hours - Wind, Lava, Frost and Thunder. These hours will rotate throughout the day, giving you an excellent opportunity to add any missing legends to your Pokédex.

Below you can find the rotating habitat and legendary raid hour schedule for Go Fest 2021 to help you decide when you want to partake in the event.

On this page:

Pokémon GO 5 Year Anniversary Celebration!

Rotating habitat schedule times for Pokémon Go Fest 2021 explained

During the first day of Go Fest 2021 - Saturday, 17th July - you'll be able to enjoy four different habitat hours - Jungle, Desert Mountain, Ocean Beach and Cave.

Each habitat sees a different selection of Pokémon appearing more frequently in the wild and, if you're a Go Fest ticket holder, specific Pokémon will be attracted to incense during these hours.

Every habitat lasts for an hour and occurs twice throughout the day, which means each habitat will be available for two hours.

The habitats will rotate global in order of Jungle, Desert Mountain, Ocean Beach and Cave, with this rotation beginning at 10am in the earlier participating time zone, which is UTC+ 14.

This rotation will then continue throughout the event - from 10am to 6pm (local time) - and, because of this, the first habitat hour you experience might not be Jungle.

Here are the starting regions for four regions across the globe:

If you don't fill in any of the above regions, then please use the table below to check your habitat rotation and, if you don't know which UTC corresponds to your time zone, you can use this time zone converter.

Time ZoneJungle Habitat HoursDesert Mountain Habitat HoursOcean Beach Habitat HoursCave Habitat Hours
UTC +1410am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
UTC +131pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
UTC +1212pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
UTC +1111am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
UTC +1010am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
UTC +091pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
UTC +0812pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
UTC +0711am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
UTC +0610am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
UTC +051pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
UTC +0412pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
UTC +0311am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
UTC +0210am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
UTC +011pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
UTC +0012pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
UTC -0111am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
UTC -0210am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
UTC -031pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
UTC -0412pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
UTC -0511am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
UTC -0610am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
UTC -071pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
UTC -0812pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
UTC -0911am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm
UTC -1011am to 12pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
1pm to 2pm
5pm to 6pm
10am to 11am
2pm to 3pm

Music-related Pokémon, such as Chimecho, Kricketot and Audino, will also be appearing throughout every habitat hour, alongside a new costume Pikachu. It will also be easier to find shiny Pokémon on this day.

If you've purchased a Go Fest ticket 2021, you'll be able to complete a new special research quest, four Collection Challenges - one for each habitat - and help complete challenges in the Global Challenge Arena.

Legendary raid hour schedule times for Pokémon Go Fest 2021 explained

The second day of Go Fest 2021 - Sunday, 18th July - is all about legendary Pokémon raids and, for this reason, you'll have the opportunity to battle every legendary Pokémon which has been released in Pokémon Go so far.

To ensure each legendary Pokémon will be available for the same amount of time, they've been divided into four raid hours - Wind, Lava, Frost and Thunder.

Each raid hour lasts for an hour and occurs twice throughout the day, which means that each raid hour will be available for two hours.

Below you can find the legendary raid hour schedule for the second day, Sunday 18th July, of Go Fest 2021:

If you've purchased a Go Fest 2021 ticket, then you'll be able to complete a timed research quest for eight Remote Raid Passes and you'll earn an extra 10,000 XP when you win a raid!

Every Pokémon which appeared more frequently in the wild on the first day of Go Fest 2021 will also continue to appear on this day.

Jungle habitat Pokémon list for Go Fest 2021

Throughout the Jungle habitat hours on the first day of Go Fest 2021 - Saturday, 17th July - the following Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild:

If you've purchased a Go Fest 2021 ticket, you'll be able to find the Pokémon listed below by using an incense during the Jungle habitat hours:

Desert Mountain habitat Pokémon list for Go Fest 2021

During the Desert Mountain habitat hours on the first day of Go Fest 2021 - Saturday, 17th July - the Pokémon below will appear more frequently in the wild:

Players who've purchased a Go Fest 2021 ticket will be able to attract the following Pokémon using incense throughout the Desert Mountain hours:

Ocean Beach habitat Pokémon list for Go Fest 2021

In the Ocean Beach habitat hours during the first day of Go Fest 2021 - Saturday, 17th July - these Pokémon appear more frequently in the wild:

Purchasing a Go Fest 2021 ticket will cause the Pokémon below to be attracted to incense during this habitat's hour:

Cave habitat Pokémon list for Go Fest 2021

Throughout the Cave habitat hours during the first day of Go Fest 2021 - Saturday, 17th July - the Pokémon listed below appear more frequently in the wild:

By purchasing a Go Fest 2021 ticket, you'll be able to find the Pokémon below by using an incense in the Cave habitat hours:

Wind hour Pokémon list for Go Fest 2021

During the Wind hours on the second day of Go Fest 2021 - Sunday, 18th July - you can battle the following legendary Pokémon in five-star raids:

Lava hour Pokémon list for Go Fest 2021

Throughout the Lava hours on the second day of Go Fest 2021 - Sunday, 18th July - you battle these legendary Pokémon in five-star raids:

Frost hour Pokémon list for Go Fest 2021

In the Frost hours of the second day of Go Fest 2021 - Sunday, 18th July - you'll be able to find these legendary Pokémon in five-star raids:

Depending on your region, you'll also be able to battle either Uxie, Mesprit or Azelf during this hour.

Uxie will be available in Asia and the Pacific. Mesprit in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India. Azelf will be available in the Americas and Greenland.

The Season of Go has arrived! The Pokémon TCG Crossover event is here, which includes the release of Wimpod and Golisopod. While Go Fest 2022 may be behind us, there are still three special research quests you might be working on - Pokémon Go Fest 2022, Rhi's Arrival and A Radiant World. Meanwhile, the Great League and Great League and Great League Remix are currently running in the Go Battle League Season 11. This season has also seen the lowering of the level requirement for Candy XL and introduced the first Ultra Beast, Nihilego.

Thunder hour Pokémon list for Go Fest 2021

The Thunder Hours in the second day of Go Fest 2021 - Sunday, 18th July - will allow you to battle these legendary Pokémon in five-star raids:

Have fun during Go Fest 2021!
