Pokémon Go Lucky Friends and Lucky Pokémon - how to get Lucky Friends and guaranteed Lucky Pokémon

Publish date: 2022-01-17

Pokémon Go Lucky Pokémon is another type of Pokémon to look out for - joining Shinies and Forms such as Alolan Pokémon.

While the aforementioned types only fill out your Pokédex, Lucky Pokémon status also provides a direct benefit - allowing that creature up at a much cheaper cost than regular Pokémon.

Meanwhile, there is the addition of Lucky Friends, which acts as another way for you to send and receive Lucky Pokémon.

On this page:

How to get Lucky Friends in Pokémon Go

Lucky Friends is a special friendship status that guarantees you a Lucky Pokémon.

Becoming Lucky Friends in Pokémon Go works as follows:

Lucky friend pic.twitter.com/UJQQhQGlF5

— Chrales (@Chrales) March 30, 2019 To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings

Other things to know about Lucky Friends includes:

Trainers, the bug causing a small number of Lucky Trades to not result in Lucky Pokémon has been resolved. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, and we apologize for the error.

— Niantic Support (@NianticHelp) April 13, 2019 To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings

What are Lucky Pokémon in Pokémon Go?

Lucky Pokémon is a special status, separate to Forms or Shinies, that Pokémon can have attached to them.

If a Pokémon is Lucky, then the Stardust required to power it up is reduced by 50%. The feature is particularly welcome as Stardust is one of the more scarce resources in the game, especially at high level play, allowing creatures to reach maximum CP at a lower cost.

Additionally, the number of Lucky Pokémon you have caught will appear in the Pokédex (alongside 'seen' and 'caught') as well as the Pokémon stats screen, with a unique background:

How to get Lucky Pokémon in Pokémon Go

Lucky Pokémon come from the game's trading feature. When you trade, there's a chance both creatures will have the Lucky status afterwards.

The success rate isn't yet known, but the longer the Pokémon has been in storage - in other words, the longer you've owned the Pokémon - the higher the chances of it becoming Lucky by the end of it.

So if the Pokémon are from when the game launched in 2016, your chances of them being Lucky will be much higher than if they were caught this year. (It can actually be a 100% chance - read the following section to see how.)

If they are caught at different periods, it's suspected the game will take the average age of both creatures in the trade as the calculation, as either both will or won't be Lucky together.

That's not to say a freshly caught Pokémon can't be Lucky - members of the community have been successful with trading recent catches. But the older it is the better, and since you can only trade one of a specific Pokémon, you want those chances to be as high as possible.

How to get guaranteed Lucky Pokémon in Pokémon Go

In September 2018, developer Niantic made some changes to increase your chances of receiving Lucky Pokémon.

If you have discovered less than 10 Lucky Pokémon, then a Pokémon in your inventory caught in July or August 2016 (in order words, when the game first launched) will 100% become Lucky after a trade.

To clarify, if either trainer has had less than 10, then both creatures in the trade will be Lucky. So in theory, even if you have more than 10, if you can find others with less than 10, you can keep getting guaranteed Lucky Pokémon. Thanks to the Silph Road reddit for clarifying this!

It should also be noted as part of this change, all Lucky Pokémon stats have became now stronger. They were previously started from around the 10/10/10 mark, and it's now increased to 12/12/12 (the highest you can get is 15/15/15).

Otherwise, the other method is being Lucky Friends with the player you are trading with.

The Season of Go has arrived! The Pokémon TCG Crossover event is here, which includes the release of Wimpod and Golisopod. While Go Fest 2022 may be behind us, there are still three special research quests you might be working on - Pokémon Go Fest 2022, Rhi's Arrival and A Radiant World. Meanwhile, the Great League and Great League and Great League Remix are currently running in the Go Battle League Season 11. This season has also seen the lowering of the level requirement for Candy XL and introduced the first Ultra Beast, Nihilego.

What else you need to know about Lucky Pokémon

There are a few other small details to know about Lucky Pokémon:
