Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon - Vast Poni Canyon, Abandoned Trial, Totem Kommo-o, Dragonium Z

Publish date: 2023-01-16
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Vast Poni Canyon, the Abandoned Trial and battling Totem-Kommo-o for Dragonium Z are the next milestones of your quest to both track down Lusamine and complete your island challenge, starting with a long trek and a proper dungeon.

Here on this page we'll explain all you need to know about the story and main events as they unfold here, and as with all pages of our walkthrough we'll highlight any and all trainers, items and wild Pokémon available to catch as well.

For more general guides and other walkthrough pages like this meanwhile, head back to our main Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon walkthrough and guide hub.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Vast Poni Canyon

Vast Poni Canyon is indeed pretty big, comprising both indoor and outdoor sections split over several levels, with some side rooms and dead ends included just for fun, too. We'll take you through it in order, noting where to pop off the main path to collect an item or battle a trainer, so worry not!

Before you get there, Team Skull (still!) want to cause some trouble, and a group of Grunts try to take you on. After a couple of easy battles, Plumeria will step in, apologising for her part in all the trouble and handing over Poisonium z just for the sake of it, too!

With that out the way you can press on - by the entrance, Lillie will stop and heal your Pokémon, and continue to do so whenever you go back to her, which helps! Now it's time to dive in.

Inside, head east past Veteran Harry until you reach Backpacker Perdy. Beside her are some smashable rocks - destroy them and crawl into the small hole to come out the other side of a one-way ledge to the right, and collect a Protein. Jump back over the ledge and head south, up a slope. Smash another rock to the right to collect a Max Potion.

Continue west now, past a double battle with an Ace Duo, until you reach more smashable rocks and a door to the exterior.

Outside you'll find a patch of long grass, with a Max Revive in the middle of it, and some rare Pokémon (Jangmo-o, Mienfoo, and Lycanroc in particular) that you can catch.

Follow the path across teh first bridge to the west, and pick up a hidden item by the entrance to the next cave.

Inside you'll find an X Defense just above you. Continue west, past Hiker Zachary, and exit south through the door to the exterior again. Quickly take a detour to the right where there's a small hole to crawl through, taking you back into that last cave to a new section. There's an Escape Rope and two trainers to battle in here, and another exit to the south, to a small outdoor area with TM99 Dazzling Gleam and a hidden item outside.

The only way to press on from there is to then double back until you crawl back out that small hole, and head round to the left and north across a bridge, where Lillie will be waiting on the other side to heal you up again - cheers Lillie!

Head inside through the door by Lillie to a large room containing both movable boulders and some bodies of water to surf across. Start by heading down the ramp to collect a Nugget, and then solve the boulder puzzle to gain access to a small detour and the main route to progress. Push the first boulder you encounter south into the hole, the bottom boulder right into the hole next to it, and then go north to the final boulder to push straight north into the hole.

In the bottom corner is an external door to a small area with a Dusk Ball, so grab that then double back inside up now turn to your right to scale a ladder. At the top you'll have a battle with a Scientist, then there's only one way out, to the south.

Outside, follow the bridge past a couple more trainers then another bridge, pick up a hidden item in a rock, and then head down the giant tree (maybe it's a root?) to a patch of long grass. Turn right and around on yourself for another trainer and a Full Heal, then follow the path to the west.

There, you'll find a gauntlet of several trainers to your north, and to your south a door back inside - take that door and push the boulder into the hole there to permanently open a shortcut through the entire cave, making your life much easier if you need to double back.

Back out by the gauntlet of trainers, before you take them on quickly turn to your left, and interact with the roots just before the Ace Trainer - you'll find there's a hole to crawl through! This akes you to a small area with a Team Skull Grunt to battle, and a way inside to a room filled with water.

Surf tot he north for a trainer, and all the way around to the westernmost part to find a Rare Candy and TM35 Flamethrower! There's also another trainer to battle there, and some rare Pokémon, like Corphish, to catch from the fishing spots too.

Finally, head back outside and tackle the gauntlet of three players running north, and Lillie will meet you to heal your Pokémon once more. You've finally cleared the dungeon, and met up with Hapu - but you're not done yet!


For more on Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon, head to our main Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon walkthrough and guide hub, which includes guides to new Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokémon and Pokédex changes, the Festival Plaza, a list of Global Missions and rewards, an explainer on Pokémon Bank, a dedicated page on Pokémon Competitive Training, including IV Training, EVs and hidden stats, Breeding 6IV Pokémon explained and how to farm Bottle Caps fast for Hyper Training. What's more, we have pages on the Rockruff event for getting Dusk Form Lycanroc and, last but not least, a full Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon QR codes list for adding all Pokémon to your Pokédex.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Abandoed Trial, Totem Kommo-o and Dragonium Z

Continue north, and you'll enter a surprise Trial, abandoned by regular Captains and left unmanned. It's actually dead simple - two Pokémon will attack you (a Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o) before a battle with the powerful Totem Kommo-o.

As you travel through the trial side be sure to hang right to pick up TM02 Dragon Claw, and then get ready to fight.

The Totem Kommo-o will summon either Scizor or Noivern as an ally, giving it some decent type coverage. Fairy and Ice will serve you very well, and you can also exploit its secondary Fighting-type with some Psychic attacks, although Scizor can counter that, so take that out with it's double weakness to Fire instead (maybe teach a Pokémon Flamethrower since you just picked up the TM!)

Next up: Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon - Altar of the Sunne or Moone, Ultra Megalopolis, Ultra Necrozma

When Kommo-o is down, continue forwards to collect the Dragonium Z, almost completing your collection, and press on beyond that to the Alter of the Sunne or Moone (depending on your version) on the other side!

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