Resident Evil 3 - Dilapidated Shelter, Clock Tower fight strategy

Publish date: 2022-08-26
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Completing the Clock Tower fight is one of the tougher encounters in Resident Evil 3.

Once you have fully explored the Police Station as Carlos, you'll play as Jill again - starting in the Dilapidated Shelter before emerging to the Clock Tower area.

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Exploring the Dilapidated Shelter in Resident Evil 3

After the Police Station as Carlos, you'll be playing as Jill again in the Subway Tunnels - otherwise known as the Dilapidated Shelter.

The first room is a safe room - grab the ammo and other consumables and the U.B.C.S. New Weaponry Notice file on the right explains how Mines work. There are Mine Rounds here, which you should grab and hold onto for the time being.

The rest of this area is fairly short. When you leave there is a corridor of zombies - we recommend using the Handgun to save the more powerful ammo types.

In the second room on the right, there's a Bobble Head underneath the bed.

There are more zombies after the short stairwell beyond - we recommend luring them down the stairs to give you some room - then climb the ladder to the Clock Tower Plaza.

Though you can hear the creature, this little area is safe. There are a few consumables to find, but most importantly there's a Clock Tower Brochure file on the second bench by the water.

After that, check on the other side of the green van on the right for a Bobble Head location.

Once you've looted the area (make sure the map is blue) head up the steps and over the bridge in the corner for a cutscene.

Our full Resident Evil 3 walkthrough explains every aspect's of Jill's, including the Shotgun location, Bolt cutters and Lockpick locations, how to reset the Circuit Breakers to restore power in the Substation, find the Drugstore safe code solution and Aqua Cure clue, Police Station Safe, Locker codes, Hospital safe code and courtyard box for the Magnum explained.

Clock Tower boss fight strategy in Resident Evil 3

Your second proper boss fight with Nemesis is rather different to the last one, though one constant remains - to damage Nemesis, you need to simply fire rounds at him.

The first stage of this fight is fairly straightforward - just keep pelting Grenade Launcher rounds at Nemesis. You'll want to not use any mine rounds however - you'll want to keep them for the second half of the battle.

Nemesis will have two attacks at this point - a lunge (which can be easily dodged if you keep a safe distance) and a run around the middle of the plaza, which you can dodge using the Quick Step.

After enough damage, he will start to sprint on top of the buildings around the plaza area. This is where those mine rounds come in handy. Shoot a round on the route (we recommend the side of the shorter, white building) so when he runs over it, it'll automatically explode.

Now while he's on the ground, he will have a red, pulsing area on this chest that's exposed. Plug another round there for additional damage.

His ground attacks will be more aggressive during this second stage. Don't worry about attacking at this point - keep moving at a decent distance from him, with the camera focused on all times, until he starts climbing the buildings again, and repeat the mine round strategy.

If you run out of mine rounds at this point, be wary when he stops on a building, he'll leap off and attack you - keep running when he's waiting and be prepared to Quick Step to dodge the attack if it gets close.

Though you should focus on the mine round tactic, you can still damage Nemesis on the ground if you run out of ammo. It'll do less damage, and his aggression means it's trickier to dodge between his swipes, but continue to chip away at his health.

If you run out of ammo or low on health, there are plenty of items round the edges - check the car seats and crates. Even if you have to result to Shotgun ammo by the end of it, you'll still do some damage. A cutscene will play when you have done enough.

After the cutscene, you'll be playing as Carlos again in the Hospital.

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