Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 1: Locate the radio tower, deal with a new enemy, and survive the forest

Publish date: 2023-04-19
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Back outside in the cold night air, look for the pathway winding between the rocks up ahead, then begin working your way toward the illuminated radio tower in the distance. Pass through the gate, then approach the bridge.

Sadly, thanks to Moira and Claire's earlier clumsiness, the bridge is now very definitely out of service. In order to proceed, examine the doorway to the left. Unsurprisingly, the doors are still locked from the other side. However, with Natalia in tow, you're now able to use the convenient hole situated near to the ground on the left. Take control of Natalia then slip on through.

Head up the nearby slope and search for the brick hidden in the grass. Grab it, then return to the padlocked door behind you and smash it open. Immediately, the action switches back to Barry and you're now able to proceed. Before you do, however, you might want to swipe the hidden Sapphire (500BP) that's located just next to the hole, using Natalia's pointing ability.

Controlling Barry once more, head through the now-open doorway and smash the crate on the right to secure a Green Herb. Next, climb the slope and grab the Assault Rifle Ammo from the crate ahead. Follow the wall around as it bends to the right and you'll reach a small pathway winding between the rocks.

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How to kill the massive mutant

At the end, drop down off the ledge and begin working your way between the stacked log piles. As the road widens out, prepare to encounter a brand-new type of enemy - a big-headed, multi-limbed mutant that, ominously, disappears as you enter the clearing.

Before you explore the large wooden building nearby, nip into the shed to your right and liberate the Sapphire (500BP) inside. With that taken care of, make your way into the main building. Here you'll find a Green Herb on a table in the first room and some Assault Rifle Ammo on a shelf in the next. There's also some hidden Handgun Ammo on the ground that Natalia can collect.

When you're ready to continue, interact with the brown doors nearby. Sadly, the doors are blocked from the other side, but there are more important matters to attend to first. The creature you encountered earlier has returned for a start, and blood starts dripping from the rafters.

Switch to Natalia, examine the oozing area above, then prepare for battle. As the mysterious monstrosity smashes to the ground, regain control of Barry then start unloading your ammo into it. Despite its imposing appearance, the creature isn't that hard to deal with. Simply keep your distance, avoid its blade arm, and let loose with a few magnum rounds to do some major damage. Watch out if it tumbles to the ground though, as it's able to move quickly on all fours.

Unlike previous mutants, head-shots won't immediately stop this new creature. To most effectively deal with this enemy type, shoot its appendages until a glowing, pulsating weak point is revealed. Once that is visible, unleash a few rounds of ammo into it and finish the creature off for good. Just be sure to wiggle free quickly if you're caught in the monster's clutches - it can strangle you with its gooey innards, making for an abrupt end to your adventure.

Explore the forest

With the mutant dead, you're finally able to push on through the blocked doorway. Follow the on-screen prompts, then smash your way back into the open air. There's a new pathway off to the left, partially obscured by a tree, so start making your way along it.

Now deep in the forest, proceed toward the light ahead and look for a second one just beyond. As you approach the next illuminated area, you're accosted by another large mutant. This beast isn't quite as resilient as the one you just fought, but deal with it in the same way by aiming for its glowing weak spot. Next, smash the crate nearby to collect some Assault Rifle Ammo.

From here, the path can be tricky to locate, but stick close to the rocky boundary and follow it around to the right. Eventually you'll encounter one last mutant and spot a light flickering away in the distance. Keep pushing forward until you reach the clearing, then grab the Handgun Ammo from the barrel inside the small shed.

Back outside, continue onward and make your toward the next light, illuminating a pair of large red doors. Step on through, then climb the steps to enter the building ahead. Inside, you'll find the 'Escapee's Note' document on one table and some Assault Rifle Ammo on another.

When you're done, leave the building and work your way around the rusty fence to the right of the steps. The route forward is blocked by a padlocked gate - but a single shot from your weapon of choice makes light work of that particular obstacle. Be sure to grab the Handgun Ammo from the crate on the ground, then drop off the nearby ledge.

- Read on for our guide to the final part of Barry and Natalia's first chapter.

- Head back to the first page for the rest of our Resident Evil Revelations 2 walkthrough

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