Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 2: How to kill Pedro and reach the Overseer's tower

Publish date: 2022-02-05
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There's not much more of the episode to go now, so it's time to finish up your re-con of the apartment block. Return to the landing and continue up to the top of the stairs, dealing with one more invisible bug on the way. On the upper-most level, break the chest to secure a Sapphire (500BP), then pass through the doorway on the left.

The door to the right is locked in the next hallway, so continue forward and take the door to the left. Take the Handgun Ammo from the shelf to the right, then pass through the doorway ahead to discover the final resting place of Gabe's chopper. Interact with it to shift the wreckage and clear the route ahead.

Next, take a right and follow the path around toward the white door, taking the Empty Bottle on the way. Pass into the next room and prepare to meet mutant Pedro and his mighty drill - the final boss of the episode - as he comes smashing through the wall.

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How to kill Pedro

If you have one, immediately launch a Firebomb Bottle at Pedro to deal some initial damage, then dash around the table in the centre of the room. With the furniture between you and your target, you should be able to empty a decent number of rounds into Pedro from a position of relative safety. Just be sure to aim for the glowing eyes on his body, as these represent his weak points.

As Pedro begins to advance, quickly dash through the hole he made previously, follow the corridor around - grabbing the Assault Ammo Rifle and Green Herb from the crates if there's time - and unlock the door at the end. This creates a circular path around the area which you can use to your advantage, continuously backing away from your opponent and emptying more rounds.

As the battle continues, keep moving around the are - making use of any wall openings that Pedro creates with his drill - and throw everything you've got at him to bring him down. Be extra vigilant when it comes to his drill-charge move, however. You'll know it's incoming once he starts to growl, and moves back with his drill in the air - a single hit means instant death.

Once Pedro is finally out for the count, grab his drill and then make your way back down the stairwell and through the door when you reach the very bottom. In the next passage, head left and use your new-found tool to demolish the wall marked with a red cross around the corner. Pass through the new opening and use the blue doors ahead to make your way outside.

You've made it to the Overseer's tower at last! Look left and smash the nearby crate to secure some Assault Rifle Ammo, then take a right and start walking along the road toward the tower. Pass through the red shuttered door at its base and move into the next area.

Inside the Overseer's tower

Follow the path to the right then, just as you reach the archway, turn around and look up to locate another Tower Emblem lodged on a crate above the tunnel entrance. Shoot it, then head on through into the next room.

Grab the 'Clinical Experiment Note' document from the crate at the foot of the staircase, then look for the illuminated archway nearby. Pass on through and grab the Rifle Ammo from the crate. Finally, use Natalia's skills to open the chest containing an Emerald (1000BP).

Next, return to the staircase in the previous room and take the right-hand flight of steps, taking the Assault Rifle Ammo as you make your way to the top. You can also take the left-hand route to gain the 'Parting Words to My Dear Father' document. Finally, work along the passage at the top of the steps - you'll know it by the creepy doll parts festooning the area - then sit back to enjoy the gripping conclusion of Episode 2.

You can find the rest of our Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 2 walkthrough from the first page of this article.

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