Resident Evil Revelations - Retrieve Handgun, Head for the Bridge

Publish date: 2022-03-03
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The Head for the Bridge objective follows on from finding Parker after escaping the room with a screwdriver.

If you need more help, our complete Resident Evil Revelations walkthrough can assist with other sections of the game, including all Handprint locations, Raid mode and unlockables.

Retrieve Handgun

Follow Parker through the door to the east and catch up with him again further along the hallway. Once you've received the decoy grenades, make a mental note of the locked door at the end of the passage (you'll need a swipe card to get inside) and head on through the double doors to the right, moving into the library.

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There are two mutants in the first room, and you'll need to dodge around them, winding between the bookshelves, until you reach the door to the west. Make your way through, then embark on another bout of shelf-winding and creature-dodging - there are three creatures in here, and you'll want to travel clockwise around the room to reach the exit to the west.

Avoid the northwest corner of the room, however, as the path here is blocked and you can easily find yourself trapped with three mutants bearing down on you if you're not careful.

In the next corridor, swipe the ammo then join Parker near the door, grabbing the Custom Parts to the side as you go. Head through the door and retrieve your stolen gear from atop the crate.

There's a large green weapons crate against the back wall - you can interact with it (and any boxes like it) to change your load-out, or to improve the abilities of your weapons by attaching the Custom Parts you find around during the game. Take this opportunity to apply the Damage 1 custom parts you just acquired to the weapon of your choice, giving you a 10% damage increase. When you're ready to continue, leave the room.

Head for the Bridge

Your next destination is the Bridge, and you'll need to retrace your steps back to the dining room to reach it. Unfortunately, this means passing through the two library rooms full of ambling mutants. Put on a brave face and push on through.

As an aside, don't forget that you have your scanner again. If you find yourself low on ammo or green herbs at any point, remember that you scan the environment for useful supplies.

Once you've made it back to the dining area, a mutant will slip out from beneath a table to the right. Deal with it as per usual, then turn your attention to the roast turkey on the table in the northeast corner of the room. Scan it to reveal Handprint 7.

You can also scan the southwest corner of the room to reveal more Custom Parts - to retrieve them, return to the previous corridor and collect them from the cabinet opposite the double doors.

Next, head up the dining area staircase and retrace your steps all the way back to the room in which you started the episode. Stay on your guard, however, as you'll meet some resistance on your return journey - including an opponent that drops from the ceiling in display case room.

Additionally, once you reach the landing, you'll encounter a new enemy - one similar to the standard Ooze, but armed with two giant claws. These variants aren't significantly tougher than their normal counterparts but they do have one notable upgrade: their extended reach. As such, you'll need to keep a much greater distance to avoid being ravaged by their pincers.

Once you've reached the bedroom you began the episode in, dispatch the enemy from earlier if it's still loitering around and move into the bathroom. Locate the shower head above the bath and scan the wall to reveal Handprint 8.

Next, return to the corridor outside the bedroom and approach the padlocked door at the end of the northern corridor. Shoot off the lock and proceed into the next room. Swipe the ammo from the table directly ahead, and glance left.

Make a note of the heavy metal door (emblazoned with the Helm mark) then follow the passage around to the north. Interact with the double doors at the end to summon the lift then step inside. Finally, interact with the elevator button to the right and select the Bridge as your next destination.

When the doors re-open, proceed along the passage and through the door at the end. There's a handy green herb in the one of the end lockers and some ammo in another. You should also be able to find some ammo by scanning the boxes on the shelves in the corner. Once you're sufficiently restocked, make your way through the door to the west.

You've finally made it to the Bridge! Descend the small flight of steps then approach the chair in the centre of the room. Scan the large glass window slightly to the right of the chair to locate HANDPRINT NUMBER 9.

With that taken care of, interact with the smouldering control panel in front of the chair to bring the episode to an explosive conclusion. Next, time to escape the office block in Episode 3.

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