Rise of the Tomb Raider - House of the Afflicted, Baths of Kitezh

Publish date: 2022-11-18
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Our walkthrough continues with a guide to completing the House of the Afflicted and the Baths of Kitezh Challenge Tombs.

Geothermal Valley Challenge Tombs (Pt. 1)

House of the Afflicted

From the Valley Farmstead camp, head north and cross the river using the delapidated wooden bridge. Jump the next gap with a rope swing, collect the satchel, and then crawl through the small hole in the bottom of the wall ahead.

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You may face a wolf ambush on the other side, but when the area is clear force open the metal door. Head up the steps and along the dark passageway, squeezing through a small rock gap about half way along, and eventually reaching a camp site. When you're ready, head through to the puzzle room.

Head to the alcove on the left and push the minecart out. Head left and drop into the hole to find a wooden platform and a hook. Use an arrow to attach the two together, then head to the other end of the room. Stand near the wooden lift platform, turn towards the big rope bucket above you, and fire an arrow at the lever just above and to the right of it.

The bucket will drop, so quickly run to the minecart and fire an arrow from it to the bucket to keep the platform raised. Ascend the wooden stairs and use the grab bars to swing across to the platform you just raised, then jump across to the far end of the room. Scramble up and grab the handhold on the wall, then make your way to the right and climb up to claim your reward. Gather the rest of the items from the area and retrace your steps to leave.

Baths of Kitezh

From the Ridgeline camp head east. Cross the river, drop down into the muddy pool, climb up the other side and use the zipline to reach the ground. Next, turn around and enter the cave behind you, then kill the grumpy bear inside.

Break down the crumbling wall, head through, and swim down the passageway - this is much easier if you've unlocked the rebreather upgrade. When you emerge at the other end, head through the gap in the wall and climb onto the thin branch that circles the area.

Head forward - avoiding the water that gushes out of the vents at regular intervals - then scramble up the wall at the other end to reach camp. Be careful heading into the next area as there's a trap in the doorway with three blocks to shoot as it descends. Head up the steps, grab the loot from the alcove to your right, then head through the arch on the left and through the gap in the roots.

The water doesn't look very inviting, but you've come all this way so you may as well just dive in. Orient yourself by swimming back to below the point you jumped from and facing the centre of the room. The large alcove to the left contains a map, and the one ahead of you has a boat in it. Collect the map and then swim to the boat.

Fire an arrow towards the rope block in the distance, then turn the crank to pull the boat to the middle of the room. Now fire an arrow at the rope block to the right (as you're facing the front of the boat) and wind yourself in until you're level with the archway. Climb up and drop through the other side.

At the far end of this room is a rope-covered lever. Grab it and pull to drain the water, then quickly attach it to the reel at the other end of the room using an arrow. Pull the lever again and race for the reel to turn the crank before it submerges. Make your way out of this area and haul the boat to the alcove directly opposite.

Swim through the hole in the grating to your left, swim to the lever, pull it, then attach it to the now-visible front of your boat with a rope before the water rises again. Jump to the wooden platform along the side of the room, follow it along and through an upper archway back to the main chamber, then use the crank on your boat to tighten the rope and drain the water permanently.

Head into the alcove containing the large gate and detonate the barrels next to it to clear the path, then climb up to the statue and claim your reward. Clear the central area of loot and then head up the stairs. Pull the barricade down, and make your escape.

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete the Rise of the Tomb Raider: Pit of Judgement Challenge Tomb.

- Return to the index page for more entries in our Rise of the Tomb Raider guide.

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