Rise of the Tomb Raider - Research Base, ice, audio log, cable car, silo, gunship

Publish date: 2023-01-31
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Head towards the base and take a swim in the icy pool. Dive under the tents and head under the ice sheet. Take out one of the guards from the small hole in the centre of the ice, then head to the opening at the other side.

A second guard will be minding his own business off to the left. Sneak-shot him and head to his location. There are several guards here - three to the left behind the large red truck, two in the woods in front of you, and a handful more on patrol. Take the three out with a Molotov and retreat back to the ice. Make another Molotov and take out the next group as they round the corner, then mop up any stragglers.

Head up the slope and climb the stairs. Take a left at the top and scramble up to the ladder, climb onto the platform, and head inside. Grab the audio log from the large room, pick up a second from the small room on the far side, then ascend to the next floor. It may not be Jonah we found, but it's a start.

Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox One X Gameplay: Rise of the Tomb Raider 4k Gameplay

Save Jonah

Climb through the big hole in the wall and drop down to the platform below. Follow it around and jump onto the zipline. When you hit the cable car you'll drop, so be ready to hit X, then shimmy across to the pylon.

Take out the guard who's paying no attention, jump across to the wooden platform, then use grapple-jump to cross the gap to the next building. Jump from the small ramp. When you finally land on the beam, beat a hasty path towards the ladder at the far end before being unceremoniously dropped in the water.

Climb out of the silo and drop to the roof below. Head across the building, and then - before using the zipline - take out the soldier at the other end. When you land on the water tower, follow it around to find a satchel, then use the next zipline. A clumsy landing ensues, but you're at least in the right place. Head forwards to trigger another cut-scene.


Camp up and prepare for another combat section. Squeeze through the door in the store room and a couple of guards will burst in at the far end of the corridor. Take them out, then head up the stairs in the next room.

You'll come under heavy fire from a passing gunship as you run down the corridor, and three soldiers will be waiting for you at the other end. Use the explosive barrels if you can, then press on. Another guard will rush you so act quickly. Loot the dead bodies and rearm yourself before heading forwards.

After a brief cut-scene you'll be going for another swim. Dive under the surface and head through the hole in the wall; there are 8 guards in here, but by keeping submerged and visiting the holes in the ice you should be able to drown them all one at a time.

- Keep reading for our guide to completing Rise of the Tomb Raider: Path of the Deathless, the next chapter of the game.

- Stuck somewhere else? Head back to the first page for the rest of our Rise of the Tomb Raider guide.

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