Shadow of the Colossus - Colossus 10 location and how to defeat the tenth colossus Dirge, the Sand Snake Colossus

Publish date: 2023-01-10
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Colossus 10 in Shadow of the Colossus, also known to fans as the tenth colossus Dirge, the Sand Snake Colossus, is a tricky one, requiring some serious horseback skill to take down.

Here on this page you'll find all the details on the tenth colossus' location, as well as our guide on how to defeat Dirge, the Sand Snake Colossus when you find it, too.

Colossus 10 location and how to find the tenth colossus Dirge, the Sand Snake Colossus

The tenth colossus is located to the due west of the central Shrine of Worship.

Head off in that direction then, crossing the western-heading of the two natural bridges just to the north of the Shrine, then galloping across the green fields for a few glorious minutes.

Eventually, you'll need to hang slightly right in the grassy fields to get around a drop that looks over a huge body of water. Keep following the light from your sword around that, and you'll come to a little lip that Agro has to walk around, with a Shrine on your left.

There's the entrance to the cave you're looking for. Proceed inside and you'll reach a room that opens out into a large circular sandy area. A cutscene triggers, and Dirge, the tenth colossus that takes the form of a giant Sand Snake, will appear.

How to defeat the tenth colossus Dirge, the Sand Snake Colossus

Dirge, the tenth colossus is defeated by you causing it to crash into one of the walls and expose itself to attack.

At first, it'll start chasing you around the room. Stay on horseback, and if you get hit - it's naturally just a little faster than Agro is at top speed - then take refuge at the foot of one of the pillars around the room.

Your task is to gallop away from the Sand Snake colossus, turn around, and shoot it in one of its glowing red eyes when it rises up out of the sand to take a look at you.

It's not easy, and requires you to let it get pretty close, but prepare for it properly and you'll be fine. Try baiting the tenth colossus into one end of the room, check there's a clear path for you ahead to the other side, and gallop in a straight line. That should give you enough time to land a shot in one of its eyes.

For more tips, guides and detailed, step-by-step advice, be sure to try out our main Shadow of the Colossus walkthrough and guide can help you hunt down and kill every colossus, including the tricky Colossus 3, Colossus 8, Colossus 9 and Colossus 11. We also have explainers on all Agro tricks, how to find and use lizards and fruit and Enlightenments, and where to find a The Last Guardian Easter egg and all Shrine locations.

When you do so, you need to quickly get to its back, which'll be exposed out of the sand properly for the first time now, and hop on. Grab the fur, climb up, and get stabbing. It has two weak spots - one near its head, and one further back, near its tail.

That means you'll probably need to do the arrow-in-the-eye trick at least twice. At least you'll be pretty good at it by the end! And horseback archery is something that's going to come in useful down the line.

When you've pierced both of its weak spots a few times, Dirge, the tenth colossus and the only subterranean Sand Snake Colossus, will go down.

Next up: Shadow of the Colossus - eleventh colossus location and how to defeat Celosia, the Bull Colossus

You wake up back at the Shrine of Worship again, to the sound of your tenth idol crumbling.

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