The Last of Us Part 2 - Hillcrest: All items, how to fight dogs and explore every building

Publish date: 2022-10-24
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Hillcrest follows on from The Last of Us Part 2's The Birthday Gift flashback.

This is another lengthy chapter exploring the suburbs, and introduces a new enemy type, and has plenty of items to find along the way.

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Exploring Natural Remedies, Majestic Laundromat and Rosemont in Hillcrest

To start Hillcrest, play with the guitar if you need to, then leave the theater and back to the lobby. To find Dina, head upstairs to the Projector Room.

After the cutscene, you'll be in the Hillcrest area.

Start by dropping into the ditch behind you. Stand on the brown truck and smash the glass at the back with melee to reach the Wachumero Trading Card within.

Go back to the street. There are shops along this street worth exploring for supplies and collectables before we climb up the vehicles at the end.

On the left is the Natural Remedies store. You can enter the bathroom by jumping the fence and sliding through the wall for Supplements.

Next to it is the Majestic Laundromat. Inside, you can grab the Join WLF Note Artefact in the back on the desk.

Go across the street now to Rosemont, a clothing store.

Drop through the hole in the wall in the corner to find a basement. There's a Workbench in the corner you can use.

On the low table next to the shelves on the far wall, the Boris's Daughter's Drawing Artefact.

When ready, climb the vehicles at the end for a cutscene showing a truck with people speeding away.

Exploring Caroline Paper Co, Used and Rare Books, and how to enter the Ruston Coffee kitchen

First, go into the Used and Rare Books shop opposite for the Yolanda's Note Artefact, found on the counter.

Go left from where you dropped in (so the opposite direction of the enemy-filled truck) to find the Caroline Paper Co. shop.

Smash the window and climb through. Inside you'll find the Need a Plan Note Artefact in the middle table.

There's a Sahir the Sorcerer Trading Card in the boxes in the corner. You have to stand over the boxes and look down for the prompt to show, so it's easy to miss.

Head back past the Used and Rare Books shop now. Look next to Ruston Coffee for a Journal Entry.

Enter Ruston Coffee. The kitchen area to the left is locked. To enter, go into the bathroom, then climb up into the vent.

You'll find various supplies within.

When ready, exit out of the back, hop over the fence and climb the ladder. Drop down below for a cutscene.

How to fight Dogs in The Last of Us Part 2

This is a combat area where you're introduced to a new enemy type - dogs.

What makes them so difficult is dogs will follow your scent as you explore. If you press R1, you can see the trail you leave behind.

If you keep moving long enough, dogs will lose interest. You can also distract them with bricks and bottles to break the chase.

Alternatively, you can try laying down trip mines. A nuclear option, but useful if you're struggling.

If you are spotted, you can use the same dodge with L1 then melee trick as with runners - they will go down with a single strike.

The aim here is to reach the red double doors at the end of the street.

As with other combat encounters, getting their quietly or after clearing the enemies is the only way to open.

Use the buildings to the sides as cover. Be wary enemies - both WLF soldiers and their dogs - can appear suddenly, so keep using R1.

The buildings contain some supplies, but nothing essential or missable - so priortise making it to those doors.

Hillcrest's garage slope puzzle

Once inside, there are some supplies on the shelves, and a set of stairs to take at the other end.

You'll arrive in front of a garage with a sloped ramp out the front.

Continue down the street and open the gate round the corner for a bin.

Grab and push it to the side of the garage - not the ramp in the front - as far as you can to the edge, then leap up and onto the garage roof before it rolls away.

Now leap into the hole in the wall to arrive in a bike shop.

Aside from the usual supplies, go to the corner where there's a white bike resting against the wall. You'll find the Naledi the Youthful Trading Card in the spokes.

Go into the office at the back for the Condolence Note Artefact by the printer.

When ready, leave out the front.

Exploring Goldstar Liquor, Pet Boutique and Grooming, Velvet Tattoo and other Hillcrest shops

There is a ditch ahead and some stairs behind, which is where you must go to continue the story.

But there are many optional locations here to explore for supplies, collectables and useful upgrades. Let's go through them one by one.

Goldstar Liquor

You'll find this on the corner opposite the bike shop.

Climb in through the front and drop into the basement in the corner.

There are two Shamblers here - both are in a far room so you'll have time to prepare. We recommend Trip Mines or Molotovs, and finish them off with whatever rounds you can spare.

There are various supplies throughout the basement to find, but nothing missable. When done, crawl through the wall at the far left end, and go up the stairs.

In this nursery, you can find the Outdoor Sportsman Training Manual on the ground next to the counter and the corpse, unlocking the Precision upgrade branch.

Drop out of the window to return to the street.

Pet Boutique and Grooming, bar next door

On the other side of the ditch from the liquor store is the Pet Boutique and Grooming shop.

On the left is a wall which has collapsed into the bar next door.

There is a shambler and an infected in the bar area. A trip mine in this wall between the shops will defend you as you fire from within the pet store.

Once done, smash the window to reach the cleaning area in the back. Grab various supplies, and get the Turn in Boris Note Artefact from next to the sinks.

Now head into the bar. Go into the kitchen at the back, and on the left wall is the Dale's Combo Artefact. This has a safe code - you'll need it shortly.

Velvet Tattoo

Opposite Pet Boutique and Grooming is Velvet Tattoo.

Enter the office at the back to find the Note in Hillcrest Tattoo Parlour Artefact.

Auto Repairs

Finally, go out behind this row of shops to find the Auto Repairs in the corner.

There is a bin blocking the door. You might hear some strange noises when you move it, and you'll be right - inside is a lot of runners waiting to be released.

You'll want what's inside, so prepare a Molotov or Trip Mine, then finish them off with melee strikes or bullets.+

Inside is a safe on the right.

If you found the Dale's Combo Artefact from the bar across the road, you'll learn the safe code is 30-82-65. Of course, you can just enter this without picking that up first.

Inside the safe is various ammo and supplies, plus an equipment upgrade - the Short Gun Holster.

How to reach the Hillcrest stairs and get the Bow

To reach the stairs, go through the bar area and out the doors at the back of the kitchen.

Grab the arrows in the corpse at the bottom, and climb up.

After the distant explosion and smoke, there will be three infected ahead. Take them out or avoid them, it's up to you.

Scale the fence in the back to enter the back garden of the house.

Inspect the back of the child's house to the left for the Brainstorm Trading Card.

You'll appear in the living room. There's the Boris' Confession Artefact on the coffee table in the middle.

The dining area sits between the living room and kitchen. On the side to the left is the Rosemont's Flyer Artefact.

To proceed, you need to slide through the crack in the wall by the kitchen into the garage. If you read the note, you'll know to expect trouble. Arm yourself with the Shotgun before going in.

The infected here is faster than most - so keep dodging and when you have a chance, blast it away.

Once defeated, you'll find the Bow from the corpse - a new weapon you can use.

here is also a new craftable - arrows. You can find the resources for this in the garage, so feel free to make some before continuing.

When ready, open the garage door. You're now allowed to do a spot of target practice here. You'll get the arrows back - and find some already in there to bulk out your inventory.

Hop over the fence for another enemy-filled section - complete with yes, more dogs.

Looking for more help? Our The Last of Us Part 2 walkthrough provides pointers for the later chapters of the game, including Hostile Territory, The Shortcut, The Descent, Ground Zero, The Marina, The Island and The Escape. Meanwhile, we have a complete list of The Last of Us Part 2 Safe Code solutions.

How to reach the smoke at the end of Hillcrest

The aim is to go in the direction of the smoke, which is to the far right from where you begin.

There are two rows of houses here - and the smoke is behind the end house on the right. When you get there, you'll see a gazebo and a garage in the corner with a grey door on the side.

From the other side, the garage door is broken open with a brown car. With both these perspectives, hopefully you'll spot it when you get close.

Before that, though, for a first in a combat section is a collectable. In that last house on the right, upstairs and underneath the bed of the room next to the bathroom, is a Trading Card.

You need to go prone and crawl underneath to get the Reverb Trading Card.

From here, you can climb out from a window to a low roof, which will point you in the direction you need to go.

How you approach this section is up to you, but we found it best to stay in stealth, using a mixture of the Bow and a Silenced Pistol as much as possible. Dogs are more likely to spot you, so take them out first.

Be very careful generally; using R1 only works so much, and it's very easy to turn a corner and be faced with a WLF soldier.

If you are spotted, then going to one of the upstairs bedrooms is a good shout. Only so many will follow you up, so you just need to clear that wave before going back to stealth, and funneling them through doorways helps to stagger their assault.

If you're low on supplies or ammo, then each house has plenty throughout, so when you can avoid detection, take the time to have an explore. Again, the only missable is the Reverb Trading Card in that end house on the right.

When you reach that garage, slide down the hill to another section of houses. A truck will pull up on the right, so go round left to avoid the bulk of them.

Continue advancing through here until you're forced to drop down into a basement, where they will attempt to smoke you out. There's no way to avoid this - so stand in the doorway and shoot each enemy as they come through.

Once done, head up the stairs. There's bound to be one more soldier here to take care of. From here it's linear until a cutscene.

To complete the chapter, you need to secure the truck. All you need to do is clear the enemies - by stealth or otherwise. Watch out to the right as they can flank you.

Afterwards is a on-rails section in the passenger in the truck.

Shoot enemies as you go until a cutscene and the end of the chapter. Next up, Finding Strings.

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