The Last of Us Part 2 - Patrol: All items and how to explore the Supermarket and fight Clickers

Publish date: 2023-06-27
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Patrol is an early-game chapter in The Last of Us Part 2.

Following on from the The Overlook section, it follows Ellie and Dina on a route through the suburbs to clear out infected.

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Looking for help in other areas of the game? See our The Last of Us 2 walkthrough and collectables hub.

Exploring the patrol lookout point

You start this chapter by following Dina on the patrol while on horseback.

After reaching the building and saddling the horses, you can explore the left room for some ammo in the locker.

Follow Dino through the building and chat to her at the viewpoint. Before you follow her through the building again, there is a Journal Entry if you look back out at the view.

Follow her through the building again, and when you're upstairs in the office, there's some crafting components in the right room (as well as a bong you can investigate) as well as ammo in one of the drawers in the main room.

When ready, sign the ledger then approach Dina, and follow her downstairs back to the horses.

Searching the houses on Patrol

Go on horseback until you pass a group of houses. You can disembark from your horse here to search them, and it's worth doing so.

In the second house on the left, you can get on the top floor from the outside. There are some Supplements in the bathroom, which are used to upgrade your abilities.

Meanwhile, the right drawer in the bedroom has the A Note to Santa Artefact.

Go to the trailer in the middle next, where you can find some crafting components and Supplements.

Finally, go to the middle house on the right. You can climb into the second floor from the front.

Inside is ammo, Supplements, and a Tesseracter Trading Card on the shelves.

Get back on the horses now until you come across a grisly scene with a moose. Looks like we have company...

Getting to the supermarket in The Last of Us 2

Follow the blood trail to the building. Crouch and stealth and kill the runner that's kneeling over the corpse.

Once done, ignore the door ajar on your left for now, and focus on blue door to your right. It's locked.

To enter, climb through the window out of the building, and then back in again further along. There's some supplements in here to make the trip worth it.

Now go through that ajar door. You'll now learn about quick throwing as part of an infected encounter.

Once done, search the drawers on left side for some crafting materials. You can then leave through window to the right of where you entered.

You'll drop outside, with two runners are here in front of you. Stay crouched and take out the right one - Dina will sort the other.

Before you relax, there are three around the store to your left. The one outside is straightforward.

Take your time with the one roaming the store inside; circle round and grab from behind when it's safe to do so, and Dina will take care of the remaining one in the corner.

Once done, head outside and Dina will help you on top of the Postal Service van.

Now it's time to work out how to get into the supermarket proper.

How to get into the supermarket

Drop down and go prone to crawl under the Greenplace Market truck.

After you are ambushed, enter the lorry through the side for some supplies, then go into the building at the end.

Slide through the boxes to get supplements and the Supermarket Apology Artefact.

To progress, move to the front of the truck and climb up. You'll need to run and jump to make it to the roof.

Exploring the upper floor of the supermarket

There is some alcohol on the left when you enter in the drawer for a health kit recipe. Your health will be low after the attack, so use it.

Go through the door and search the left room for supplies, then go right to continue exploring the spore-filled building.

Turn right at the Employee of the Month board and go through the door straight ahead. There is a locked safe in here.

To get the safe code, read the Good Boy Combo Artefact on the desk to learn how to get the combination - "The date my good boy got Employee of the Month".

Go back to the board to see the dog (or 'good boy') is listed for July 2013. This means the safe combination is - 07 20 13.

Enter the code into the safe to open it.

Inside the safe is a stash of Supplements, crafting materials and some alcohol.

In the next room, search the supplies in the drawers before squeezing through. You'll drop through the floor and have your first encounter with Clickers.

How to fight Clickers in The Last of Us 2

Clickers are tough enemies which can instantly kill you if you're grabbed. They are blind, which helps you get close to them, but you have to take it easy, so always crouch and push the stick about halfway to minimise your noise.

You can then stealth kill them as with other infected.

If you are spotted, then pull your gun and aim for the head - they should go down fairly quick. However, you need to be accurate, as a wrong move will spell game over.

Once you've cleared out both and lifted the cabinet to leave, scour the room for crafting items and Supplements, then grab the Molotov from Dana.

Climb through the window to enter a large area with several Clickers and Runners.

You can stealth these if you take your time - we went clockwise around the room.

Of course, since Runners can see you, and you having to take your time with following Clickers, it's difficult. If all hell breaks loose, back away and fire at them when they get close - just make sure Clickers don't grab you as it's an instant kill.

Looking for more help? Our The Last of Us Part 2 walkthrough provides pointers for the later chapters of the game, including Hostile Territory, The Shortcut, The Descent, Ground Zero, The Marina, The Island and The Escape. Meanwhile, we have a complete list of The Last of Us Part 2 Safe Code solutions.

How to escape the supermarket

Once done, open the shutter at the far end. It won't budge, so you have to grab the cable underneath the green generator to the right.

Aim and throw it over the roof girder with the left and right triggers then climb up.

Slide down the roof with Dina and follow her through the storm.

When you lose her, stick to the left routes to find her again.

You'll then reach the Library - a short area that's the same chapter as Patrol.

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