The Last of Us Part 2 - The Seraphites: All items, Rope puzzle and dumpster ramp puzzles explained

Publish date: 2023-06-15
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The Seraphites follows on from The Last of Us Part 2's Finding Strings flashback.

This is a long chapter exploring more of Seattle as Ellie makes her way to the hospital. We've split this into two halves as a result, with the second half continuing from when you reach the Park.

Like Hillcrest, there are plenty of opportunities to search optional buildings - with many supplies and items to find along the way. We outline everything missable on these pages.

On this page:

Looking for help in other areas of the game? See our The Last of Us 2 walkthrough and collectables hub.

Kingsgate Brewing Co in The Seraphites

From the Theatre entrance, go left down the street to the quarantine checkpoint.

After the turnstyle, you must climb on the sandbags to the left and up onto the roof. Leap across and enter the quick mart.

There are supplies and ammo here to scavenge. At the end, on the right on the shelf next to the milk fridge, is the Randy Styles Trading Card.

Leave out the side window and continue down the street to Kingsgate Brewing Co.

There are a lot of infected inside - including two Clickers. If you run up, they will hear you and burst through onto the street.

Once done, inspect the body of the last one you kill for the WLF Target List Artefact.

The bar has plenty of supplies worth looting, so be sure to explore inside.

Conference Centre rope puzzle in The Seraphites

On the opposite side of the street is the Conference Center (or Con Nce Center, as the sign now says).

More or less straight ahead when you go into the lobby is a Journal Entry at the 'Feel Her Love' graffiti.

Go up the lift to the left via the ladder and leap across to the next floor up.

The door ahead is locked, and you have a rope available to use.

To solve this rope puzzle, you must smash open the windows to the side, and also those overhead across the broken balcony, exposing just the metal supports. There are bottles on this floor to help with this.

Specifically, you need to throw the rope from as far left as you can from where the rope starts.

This allows you to then swing straight into the window on the other side of the door.

Inside is a bounty of supplies.

On the far side, you can also find a Shift Trading Card and the Last Letter to Husband Artefact.

Exploring the Apartments in The Seraphites

Back on the street, continue going, past all the vehicles, until you can turn left to a rusted building. These are optional apartments you can explore.

The lorry outside has some supplies, and though the front door is locked, you can go right and crawl into the basement.

This area and the lobby has supplies.

Head up to the first floor, where you can explore the apartment to the right.

There are more supplies here, and a Workbench. Note as soon as you use it, you'll be ambushed. Nowhere is safe, it seems!

After clearing the group, be sure to explore the bedroom - it's to the side of where you entered - to find the Organic Chemistry Training Manual on the bed, which adds the Explosives path.

There's also a WLF Deserter Letter Artefact by the television as you leave the bedroom.

Now to turn out attention to the other apartment, which would have been to the left going up the stairs.

The door is locked, but you can enter by going out of the window, across the ledge, and in through the window.

Inside the apartment, on the table, is the Evacuation Letter Artefact.

Go into the bedroom and open the drawer next to the bed for the Star Sign Trading Card.

There is also a safe in the wardrobe.

To open the safe in the bedroom, you need to inspect the calendar on the wall by the bed.

This tells you the upcoming anniversary. By reading the Evacuation Letter Artefact, you'll know it's been 30 years.

So with the date we know - 10/08/13 - subtracting 30 years gives us the safe code - 10-08-83.

Inside the safe are various supplies.

Dumpster ramp puzzle in The Seraphites explained

To continue, head across the road from the apartments to the gate with the 'Do not block - 24 hour access' sign and use the orange dumpster to the right to scale it.

The aim is to go up the left wall. To do this, enter the building to the right, and move the dumpster up the ramp.

Now have it so the end is just over the ramp, so if you let go, it'll slide down towards the gate.

Let go, and sprint ahead of it, pulling the chains on the left side.

If you time it right, the dumpster will roll through the opened gate.

With this dumpster, push it against the wall and climb over.

Continue climbing up here to the cutscene. You'll have a Journal Entry, which will be automatically recorded.

How to defeat Stalkers in the Conference Centre in The Seraphites

Go right now. You'll be exploring more of the Conference Center.

Smash the windows to enter, and drop down to the ground floor.

There is a door in the corner here that's locked. To enter, go round the corner past the supports to windows you can throw a brick or bottle through.

Inside are supplies and the Arch-Enemy Trading Card in the drawer.

Continue on the ground floor, following the exit sign to Suite 13031.

Turn on the torch. This area has a few bodies in the side rooms for ammo and supplies which are worth gathering.

Don't worry, nothing will come out until you climb over the barricaded doors at the end of the corridor.

You'll now encounter stalkers. Stalkers are sneaky infected which hide round corners and jump out at you.

You can usually see them poking out, so take your time and if you see them, aim your weapon and wait until they move towards you. This will usually alert others, so check your sides for more advancing.

The only other thing to note is stalkers can't really be melee'd - so if they get the jump on you, then you need to fire back to take them down.

The general aim is to go left and hug the left side of the building. At a far room are some windows to the outside.

Smash these open and hop onto a walkway.

You need to go up the stairs and leap across to the stairwell opposite. Go down now and back into the building.

Hug the right wall now, making your way through rooms, again waiting for stalkers to appear before moving on.

In the end room to the right, you need to open the door in the corner to proceed.

After the cutscene, you'll appear in some sewers.

Looking for more help? Our The Last of Us Part 2 walkthrough provides pointers for the later chapters of the game, including Hostile Territory, The Shortcut, The Descent, Ground Zero, The Marina, The Island and The Escape. Meanwhile, we have a complete list of The Last of Us Part 2 Safe Code solutions.

How to leave the sewers in The Seraphites

Head into the water. The aim is to go up the ladder ahead of you, up the ledge you cannot climb.

To get there, swim to the right, then climb up the ledges to the large pipe in the corner.

Go over the walkway, drop down, then head up the ladder.

You'll now emerge out in the Park and Garden Suites.

This is part of the same The Seraphites chapter - we've just split the page into two because of the length of the chapter. We're about halfway through now - keep going!

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