The Last of Us Part 2 - Valiant Music Shop, Downtown Checkpoint and Gate West 2: All items and how to explore every area

Publish date: 2022-10-02
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Valiant Music Shop, Downtown Checkpoint and Gate West 2 are three optional areas within the centre of The Last of Us Part 2's Downtown Seattle area.

Exploring all three provides you with some useful items to help with your journey - and find some artefacts to help flesh out the story of what happened in the city.

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Looking for help in other areas of the game? See our The Last of Us 2 walkthrough and collectables hub.

Valiant Music Shop

This is an optional location found opposite the Dome. Ellie will call it out when you move past it.

Enter through the front door. There's some crafting materials here, and a Das Wort Trading Card in the drawer of front desk.

Head upstairs. On the first room to your left, there's an optional cutscene if you investigate the guitar case on the ground. You can interact with the guitar again afterwards if you want to practice.

You can leap across the small gap awkwardly for some crafting materials in the corner.

Leave out from the balcony to finish the location.

However, from here you can access the walkway about the Downtown Checkpoint across the street.

Downtown Checkpoint

You can reach this either from the stairs to the south, the ladder at the back (north side) or from the Valiant Music Shop's second floor.

There is a Street Drawing Artefact in the furthest outpost of the Downtown Checkpoint.

Within this same outpost, look out to the south for a Journal Entry.

Keep going to the tent, adding the location to the map. Collect all the crafting materials on the shelving to complete the location.

There's also a workbench here for weapon upgrades.

Looking for more help? Our The Last of Us Part 2 walkthrough provides pointers for the later chapters of the game, including Hostile Territory, The Shortcut, The Descent, Ground Zero, The Marina, The Island and The Escape. Meanwhile, we have a complete list of The Last of Us Part 2 Safe Code solutions.

Gate West 2

This is just north of the Downtown Checkpoint, and south-west of the Courthouse.

You'll see it to the west, and can squeeze through the open gate by holding forward and the X button.

Inside is a safe, with the safe code written down on the Checkpoint Gate Codes Artefact you found earlier.

Enter 0451 to open up the safe.

Inside you'll find ammo, a Med Kit, various other supplies and a Flo Trading Card.

Opening the safe strikes this location off the map.

From here, you're just a stone's throw away from Ruston Coffee and the Courthouse.

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