The Witcher 3 - Hunting a Witch, Midcopse, Blackbough, eavesdropping, witch's hut, Keira

Publish date: 2023-01-10
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This page covers Hunting a Witch, Midcopse, Blackbough, eavesdropping, witch's hut, Keira. If you're looking for more assistance, our Witcher 3 walkthrough can help.

In order to find the witch, you need to make your way to the village of Midcopse. Climb the cellar ladder and leave the hut, mounting your horse once you're outside. Make sure that the Hunting a Witch quest is selected, then begin your journey through the woods to the south-west, following the objective marker on your mini-map. Note the small cluster of buildings on your map between Heatherton and your destination. This is Blackbough and you can find a blacksmith and a shopkeeper here if you're in need of provisions.

Hunting a Witch

Once you reach the bustling village of Midcopse, take some time to explore. The armourer has an interesting selection of goods, including two cryptic maps, a range of master and common crafting components, some diagrams, magic items and some pretty decent armour. The nearby merchant, meanwhile, can offer up new Gwent Cards, Horse Blinders to reduce your steed's Fear level, a Saddlebag to increase your maximum inventory weight, plus other treats.

Finish shopping and start exploring the village. Once you've located the woman sweeping the path outside the blue hut, engage her in conversation.

Talk to the peasant who visits the witch often

When you're ready, walk around to the right side of the blue hut and speak to the peasant leaning against the fence (note that you can also pop inside the hut and do some looting first if you so choose). To get more information from him, you can either cross his palm with gold or attempt to influence his mind, provided that you have the necessary cash or skills. If you don't have either, don't worry - there's an alternative means to secure the information you need.

Eavesdrop on the gossiping ladies

Keep your distance from the gossiping ladies, so they don't see you eavesdropping

Look for the long building to the south of the village by the road and locate the two woman gossiping in the yard. Hang back and wait for the conversation to end. When it's over, you should have all the information you need to locate the witch - and it didn't cost you a thing!

Find the pond by the village

Follow the objective marker until you reach the pond on the outskirts of the village. Once your objective changes to read 'Find the lone boulder', follow the new marker to your next destination. Continue onwards until you reach the witch's hut (or, alternatively, switch back to the 'Talk to the peasant who visits the witch often' quest marker - the peasant in question is now standing by the witch's abode). However you reach your goal, a short cut-scene will play on your arrival.

Our Witcher 3 walkthrough and guide can help you with the main story, including the Wandering in the Dark and Family Matters missions, and eventually, one of several Witcher 3 endings. There's plenty of side content, too, including Witcher 3 Contracts, White Orchard quests, Velen quests, Novigrad quests and Skellige Isles quests. Elsewhere, learn about the best Witcher 3 builds, the best Witcher 3 mods, how to make money in Witcher 3, find Places of Power locations, and learn how to do Witcher 3 crafting and Witcher 3 Alchemy And when you're done with all those - we can help you through expansions with our Hearts of Stone walkthrough and Blood and Wine walkthrough.

Find the witch's hut

Talk to the witch in the hut

As soon as you're ready, enter the hut to learn that the witch has disappeared.

Search the hut using your Witcher Senses

There's plenty to investigate inside the building, so activate your Witcher Senses and start looking around. Of particular note are the Recipe for Black Eyeliner sitting on the stool near the bed, the Letter to Alexander next to the trapdoor, and the trapdoor itself. Open the latter and head down to secure some more loot, including the Albedo and Hanged Man's Venom manuscript pages. When you're done in the cellar, climb back up to the main floor and examine the skull on the nearby shelf. Once the portal opens, head on through.

Find the witch

On the other side of the portal, follow the small dirt path forward and begin climbing the spiralling stone steps. Once you locate Keira the witch, work your way through the various conversation options to learn more about the elven stranger and Ciri.

- Our walkthrough continues with a step-by-step guide to completing The Witcher 3 - Wandering in the Dark.

- For the rest of our Witcher 3 walkthrough, head back to the index page of this article.

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