Uncharted 4 - Chapter 15: The Thieves of Libertalia

Publish date: 2022-03-03
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This second chapter in the lost city is more about developing the story than exploring, but there are still some unlockables to find. Here's our walkthrough, with a guide to getting all the journal entries and optional conversations.

Explore the room and look in the marked chests and drawers, and eventually Sam will call you over to him. Once the conversation is over, help him move the shelf, then head to the other side of the room. There's a collapsed shelf you can climb up, then jump across to the next shelves then the ones to the left. Use your rope on the chandelier and swing across to the chain, then use the chain to swing to the pictures. Climb to your left, up onto the roof, and into the open window on the building ahead.

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Head upstairs, onto the stone block on the far wall, and up to a wooden platform. Look at the rope loop behind you and then jump to the handholds in the wall and attach your rope. Swing across to the window and climb to the upper floor. Boost Sam up the broken ladder, then use the chest he pushes down to follow him up to the roof.

Follow him down the side of the roof, drop to the window below and a long scripted sequence will begin. Drop down to grab a metal railing, then to your right and in through the upper window. Jump across to the lower platform then follow Sam.

When you get knocked to the floor, you'll start sliding, so be ready with your rope. Climb it and keep following Sam, jump across the gaps as everything collapses around you, ignore the gunfire, and head for the doors. Bash them down then open the door to your left, dodge the grenade, and then get ready to jump as you slide down a hill. Climb up and round the corner to the right, and when the wall collapses swing from the beam to the wall opposite and climb up to safety.

Clamber out of the window, head up again, and back inside. After the cutscene there's a short scripted brawl, so throw a few punches and mash [TRIANGLE] when prompted. When you get thrown out of the window, head right and use your rope to swing up to the balcony, and jump back down to join the fight and end the chapter on something of a shocking twist.

Walkthrough navigation:

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete Uncharted 4 - Chapter 16: The Brothers Drake.

- Return to the index page of this article for the rest of our Uncharted 4 walkthrough.

Other guides:

- Struggling to track down a Treasure? Have a look at our Uncharted 4 Treasures and collectibles guide.

- For details on how to unlock all of the game's Trophies, take a look at our Uncharted 4 Trophy guide.

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