Uncharted 4 - Chapter 9: Those Who Prove Worthy

Publish date: 2022-10-06
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The adventure in the Scottish ruins continues for a second chapter. Here we walk you through it, including where to find the treasures, journal entries and optional conversations, and how to solve another major puzzle.

Take the path to the right and cross the broken bridge.

Climb up to the right and slide down the slopes, jumping at the end to grab the handholds. Climb up and follow the path until you set off a trap - it's puzzle time again.

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Chapter 9 puzzle solution

First, examine the skeleton by the door to reset the puzzle. Grab the bucket, fill it from the pool of water below, and hand it to Sam. Four patches on the puzzle wheel will now light up - the objective is to use the four wheels to get the bucket into the very top patch, the small white cross into the lower left, the big cross into the lower middle, and the small black one into the lower right. Numbering the wheels 1 to 4, left to right, and assuming the puzzle is in its default position:

Now pull the switch to open the door and head through.

Jump across the gap and follow the path, sticking to the right, then jump across another gap.

Use your rope to swing to your right and drop down to the ground below. Follow the path round the corner and use L3 to look at the broken bridge, then climb onto the nearby rock and boost Sam up. When he's pushed the box down, move it over to the nearby handholds and climb along the wall following Sam, then crawl through the narrow tunnel.

At the other end of the room climb up through the hole and jump across to the handholds to your left. Pull yourself up and eavesdrop on the conversation from the other side of the wall, then carry on to the right and drop down to the ground.

Head through the room and use the beam on the right to swing across the gap with your rope. When you land on the other side, turn around and re-attach your rope, climb down a bit, and swing under the wall to your right. Jump off the rope and grab the cliff opposite, then climb up to your right and push the box down to the floor below. Push it against the wall and climb up.

Head forwards and through the door on your left, and make your way to the end of the platform. Once you've seen that the bridge is broken, turn to your right and throw a rope to the box on the far side, then swing over and climb up. Push the box to the far end of the platform, re-attach your rope to it, and wall-run to your left to reach the handhold.

Climb up and follow the path, scramble through the small passage above you, and drop down the far side. Drop down to the platform below the left edge of the cliff and cross the wooden beam to the far side.

Jump across the gap then stand on the large wooden beam. It'll collapse, but you're safe - head for the far end and then double back and Sam will jump on to weigh it down. Head for the raised end, quickly grab the handhold to your right and make your way along until you can throw your rope. Swing to the other side and climb up using the handholds and the gear: it'll spin, so you'll need to keep jumping up to avoid falling off.

Grab the heavy box and shove it over the edge, then follow it down and quickly head for the far end. Jump and grab Sam's hand before the apparatus collapses then head up the steps. Stick your hand in the switch at the far end to open the door and watch the cutscene.

You're now under attack, but rather than fighting back, head right and jump across to Sam. You'll drop to a platform below, so jump to the stone pillar and climb it. It'll start to collapse, so work your way round and jump from the end when it nears the next pillar. Climb that one, jump from the top and take down the enemy, and take cover while you deal with the two remaining gunmen ahead.

Now climb onto the rubble to your right and use your rope to swing across. Grab the handhold on the far side, then quickly climb as everything starts to collapse again. Get ready on the trigger as you reach the top, as there are armed enemies up here. Fight your way through the caves - be extra careful as you'll start to encounter enemies with grenades.

Once you get outside, climb over the rock and turn left. There's an armoured gun turret here that's pretty nasty, so either try to flank it or make a dash for the dynamite in the lower area and take it out from behind cover. Either way, once it's unmanned you can take control of it yourself, or keep it covered to ensure nobody else uses it.

Once the area is clear, head for the rear right. As you pass through the opening there'll be a sniper on your right - take him out and swing across to his location, watching out for a second enemy hidden in the corner. Grab the sniper rifle and use it to take out the enemies opposite, then swing from the crane hook to the far side.

Clear out a few more enemies, then drop down behind the crane and make a run for it, taking out enemies as you go: slide down the slope and leap at the end, turn right, round the corner, climb up through the gap, turn left, slide down the slope, use your rope at the end, drop down and slide down another slope, cross through the ruins, slide down again, jump at the end, head right and jump across to the slope, slide down and use your rope at the end, jump into the sea, and swim to the plane.

Walkthrough navigation:

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete Uncharted 4 - Chapter 10: The Twelve Towers.

- Return to the index page of this article for the rest of our Uncharted 4 walkthrough.

Other guides:

- Struggling to track down a Treasure? Have a look at our Uncharted 4 Treasures and collectibles guide.

Other guides:

- Struggling to track down a Treasure? Have a look at our Uncharted 4 Treasures and collectibles guide.

- For details on how to unlock all of the game's Trophies, take a look at our Uncharted 4 Trophy guide.

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