Wasteland 2 - AG Center, Central Complex, researchers, Pod Fragments

Publish date: 2022-07-17
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Before doing anything else, you should replenish your water supplies at the oasis between the radio tower and the Citadel. Once you've restocked, start heading to the AG Center. As you travel there, you'll hear an announcement about Highpool being attacked by raiders. Rather than heading straight there, wait for a second request for help from the AG Center. Because of the large amount of radiation lying between your current location and Highpool, we chose to deal with this latter threat first. If you'd rather go straight to Highpool, have a look through our guide to this alternative path.

Wasteland 2 - Let's Play the final release version - Eurogamer

AG Center

As soon as you arrive at the Center, you'll be tasked with sorting out the current emergency before tackling the Repeater Unit. Keep heading through the current area, then make your way beyond the body that explodes in the cut-scene. Get your party into the preferred combat positions and deal with the wandering wildlife.

When you're done, keep heading further north into this zone. You should see the AG Center just up ahead, but the doors are blocked off with vines. Tear them to shreds, then use the intercom to enable access into the Central Complex.

Central Complex

While walking through the Complex, you'll begin a chat with Kathy Lawson. Keep working through the dialogue until she's given you all the information on the crisis, then ask for the location of the Signal Dish. She won't be very cooperative, but you can use the Kiss Ass skill to talk her round. She'll ask you to investigate the greenhouses and search for survivors, but you'll need to get the codes from Rose.

Save the Researchers

Your first job is to deal with the plant-based menace. Go through the eastern airlock, then to the first door on the south part of the corridor to access Rose's lab. She'll give you the codes you need to enter the greenhouse, and also ask to come with you. Let her join the party.

Head east after meeting Rose until you encounter Rachel. She'll quickly turn into an enemy, so kill her as fast as you can, then click on the airlock that's north of your current location. Rose will open it for the party.

Make sure everyone's healed up fully, then clear out all of the enemies inside. Once they're dead, the researchers will run away to safety. Take any useful items lying around the place, and make sure you dig into the piles of dirty towards the middle of the room, so you can get some extra Pod Fragments.

Head back to the lobby, carry on beyond the north corridor, and instead head towards the western hallway. Break open the door to your south, then kill the pod on the other side to receive an extra fragment. Open the box behind the pod and take the items inside, then carry on along the path until you come to a new airlock. Let Rose open it.

When you enter the greenhouse, you want to get into position in the middle of the room as quickly as possible. A researcher called Julio is stuck in a corner surrounded by vicious rabbits. Engage and kill these creatures, then talk to Julio. Work through the dialogue options with him until he goes off to hide. Loot the rabbits and have a hunt around in both of the chests in this room. Note the location of this part of the complex, as you'll have to return here later.

Collect 10 Pod Fragments

If you've been infected by a pod by this point, then you'll have to finish off this additional mission. Fortunately it's not too hard to complete, and once you've got your ten you just need to hand them in to Kathy Lawson. She'll sort you out with a cure, and you'll find her by the computers close to the Complex entrance.

You can find the rest of our Wasteland 2 guide from the first page of this article.

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