Wasteland 2 - Angel Oracle, prisoner, Mr Manners, Darla, Lindy Lou

Publish date: 2023-02-04
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When you've finished up all of your existing side-quests, head north from your base camp towards Angel Oracle. As soon as you enter the instance, keep your ears out for news of a so-called cleansing which unlocks another side-quest.

First of all, head towards Guard Llewelyn and have a chat. Work your way through all of the dialogue options, then go through the gates when they're opened up for you. You'll soon find yourself in a chat with another character - use Sir, Before, then Words as the questions are asked of you, and you'll be able to go inside.

Now talk to the Sheriff further along and offer your assistance, then go down the stairs just behind her. Speak to the guard in front of the cage, then the man inside it called Fletcher. After your conversations, go back upstairs to discuss Fletcher's escape, and find out that you're the prime suspect in helping him do so.

Wasteland 2 - Let's Play the final release version - Eurogamer

You'll have to offer up one of your party members as a hostage, and we chose Pete as he wasn't being particularly useful at the time. Convince the Sheriff to give you access to the radio if you can track down Fletcher, then go downstairs and speak to the guard again. Assuming you have a high enough Hard Ass level, you can use the Nose conversation option to discover some details about the person who attacked.

Go upstairs and then into the building where the Sheriff is. Talk to the Captain inside, and make sure you discuss the armour reserves. When he's mentioned the missing armour, head back to the stairs, then take a left at the prisoner area. Go out of the gate and into the nearest field where you should be able to see some footprints. Keeping following these marks until you come to a ventilation shaft.

Work your way back until you see a lady called Elizaveta. Talk to her to discover she's married to Fletcher, then work your way through all of the dialogue options. Once you've gathered all of the latest intel, go back to the central part of town and use the big metal door to the rear.

Once inside Mr Manner's Press office, talk to him, and then mention the plot in order to gain use of the radio, as well as finish up a side-quest in the process. When you're done, leave the office and go through the newly-opened doors. Use the Repeater Unit to expand the Ranger's broadcast capabilities.

Before you leave town altogether, Mr Manners will ask you to return to the Press Office. Go back to get a side-quest that requires you to kill a leader of the local uprising, along with a handy map marker to help you complete it.

Lindy Lou

By the ventilation shaft you encountered earlier is a lady called Lindy Lou. Talk to her, ask her what she needs, and then simply go to the shop to get the parts requested. When you've got them in your inventory, return to her and hand them over to get your reward.

Bring water to Darla

Leave the main gate, and then take a left. When you get to the edge of the paved section, Darla will call out from one of the towers. Go back to the main gate and speak to Guard Llewelyn to get the water that Darla needs. Return to the tower, then use the bucket-line system to finish the quest.

Head back to the first page for more Wasteland 2 help.

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