Wasteland 2 - Arizona, Canyon, Temple of Titan, Damonta

Publish date: 2023-05-01
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Once you've entered the Canyon of Titan via the World Map, make your way forwards until you can see a pile of corpses on the floor, as well as some livelier individuals. They'll ask for a doctor, so before doing anything else, use your Surgeon skill to heal up the injured man and gain a new source of supplies.

Help the merchant find his wife

Head towards the man standing over another wounded character. When the cut-scene finishes, talk to this man and offer to help him. Use the optional conversation Trust option if you have high enough skills. Once you've taken the quest, follow your new friend until you reach the camp. Make sure you kill all of the badgers in this area to finish the quest.

Wasteland 2 - Let's Play the final release version - Eurogamer

Go back the way you came, then head south-east when you reach a gated off area - grab the loot in this section, but make sure you check for traps as you do so. Now speak with Salt, ignore his demands for a toll, then keep walking forwards until the character from the Diamondback Militia calls out. Use your Smart Ass or Kiss Ass skill to get good directions to the stronghold.

Now go back to Salt, and head down the nearby path. Keep going along it until you come to Brother Chavez, who'll instruct you to head towards Outpost One. Head down this path until you trigger a new cut-scene. When it's over, you can choose to either kill the woman, or rescue her using your Surgeon skill.

When you're finished, make your way towards the raiders and monks up ahead of you. Kill them all, but try to stop the monks from getting too close to you with those devastating grenades.

Next, carry on down the path towards Outpost One. Speak with Brother Franks, agree to his request, then inform him about Brother Chavez. When the chit-chat's finished, go through the gate that's opened up.

Temple of Titan tributes

The good news is that you'll avoid being attacked by the monks now that you have one of them on your team. Go along the path, then follow the winding path until you come to a trio of spies. Kill them all, then get back onto the main path.

After going a little further along this path, you'll end up fighting three Diamondback Militia. Kill them all, then carry on down the path on your right until you come to Skunk Pig. Take his side-quest, then take him back to Brother Franks.

Go over the bridge that's in front of you, open up the gate to your south-east, and then keep going along the path until you come to a bunch of badgers and a radioactive cannister. Kill the badgers, then use your container on the barrel.

Get back on the main path and head back to Outpost One. Go through the gate and down the main path, then veer off down to where you encountered Skunk Pig. You should be able to see the next barrel up ahead, along with a raider nearby. Talk to him, then either buy the gloop or use your Hard Ass skills to get it for free.

Now go past the other raiders until you reach a new outpost full of corpses. Deny responsibility for the killings and trade with the gentleman here. Go through the gate and across the bridge. Go through the ditch and underneath the bridge, then head up the hill on your right where the bandits are. Kill them, then use your container on the third barrel of radioactive gubbins.

Go back down the path, taking a left this time, and go over the bridge. Keep going beyond the broken truck and through the new outpost. Use the travel icon to enter the Temple of Titan itself.

The Temple of Titan

Go along the path on your left to get to the entrance gates. A new chat will be triggered, and you'll be asked for more tribute. There are plenty of other radioactive barrels dotted around the place, so it's easiest to simply agree to their terms.

Head back to the canyon, go beyond the corpse-filled outpost, and further past where you encountered Skunk Pig. Go to the fork in the path and then head south-west. Kill the badgers here, then scoop up the radioactive gunk. Head all the way back to the temple.

Go right of your arrival area and look for a slight incline where the trashed vehicles are. Keep following that path until you come to more gloop. The final sample you need can be had by going up the central path, then taking the incline up into the section that overlooks the temple entrance. Go over the bridge, smash the fence down with Brute Force, and fill your container. Go back to the temple.

As you go to enter Wasteland, Father Enol will request that you check out Silo-7. Take this mission, then exit to go into the World Map. Go north of the temple until Damonta becomes visible.


With the temple wrapped up, it's time to move onto Damonta and set the Repeater Unit up on the tower. As soon as you arrive, keep heading forwards and you'll soon discover that robots have taken over the town.

Go along the path and then take a left. Veer right and you should find yourself by a building with a merchant. Kill the robots in front of you, then carry on around the corner until Red Baychowski calls to you. Accept his mission. When you're around the corner, you should be able to see the tower. Kill the nearby robots, talk to Werewolf Wally, then take the mission to save Damonta.

Go south, then head around the town area until you come to a place full of plane parts. Keep heading along the path, killing any robots in your way, until you come to a hangar containing a character called Tinker.

Complete the battle - ideally saving the girl in the process - then go and tun the mission into Wally. You'll then be able to install the Repeater unit into the control panel. After that, you'll be sent back to Ranger Citadel.

Head back to the first page for the rest of our Wasteland 2 walkthrough.

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