Wasteland 2 - New Citadel, Dugan, Scorpitron, Matthias, Zeolite, nuke, Cochise

Publish date: 2022-08-09
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Before making your way to the next region of the game, you'll want to upgrade your suits once more. In order to do so, you're going to need to get your hands on some Zeolite. If you're struggling to get enough of this material, make your way back towards Griffith Park. You'll find three sacks on a shelf by the radio tower, and two more bags in the safe that's just to the right of that shelf. Go back to Santa Fe Springs and then speak to Woodson who'll have your suits ready for you in a jiffy.

Outside New Citadel

Before heading anywhere else, go to the merchant outside the Citadel, and top up on any ammunition, Pain Relievers or medpacks you're running short on. Once you've loaded up, go to the World Map and head south from the Springs until you come to the wall. Make sure your suits are equipped, then go through it and into the new zone.

Wasteland 2 - Let's Play the final release version - Eurogamer

Talk to the nearby NPC called Mad Money Mike and make any purchases you want. When you're done talking, he'll be shot by the guards. Go past the wrecked helicopter and then down the path to the west. Talk to Dweezle and Johnie Zipper, work through all of the dialogue options, and then attack Dweezle. After the fight, Johnie will grant you access to the compound. Go around the corner, but be ready to fight the enemies up head when you do so. When they're dead, simply go down the ladder towards the rear of this area.

Inside New Citadel

Keep heading forwards into the next hall and then head east. Keep travelling along until you come to a junction, then go north until you're in a new room. Kill all of the enemies here (sniping helps), and then carry on until you reach a locked door. You need a very high Computer Science skill to open this door, so consider saving and reloading your game until you've managed to crack through. It's booby-trapped as well, so make sure you use your Perception and Demolitions skills on it.

Once open, go through the door until you come to a junction. Ignore the other two doors and go up to the northern-most one. Open it using your Lockpicking skill, then go inside. You'll soon find yourself talking to Dugan. Kill the enemies that ambush you, then head forwards until you come to a lift.


Once you reach the top, you'll find yourself in a fight with Dugan himself. He's not particularly tricky to take down, but his robot Scorpitron friend is a good deal tougher. The best strategy is to focus your team members with the strongest Sniper Rifle and Energy Weapons skills on the cannon and big robot, while everyone else concentrates on Dugan and his smaller robot friends.

When Dugan's dead, make sure everyone's firing at the more dangerous enemies, and make use of all your Energy Weapons and explosive devices to bring the mighty robot down quickly. When the fight's finished, top up everyone's health and ammo, then head towards the nearby helicopter. Interact with it to return to Arizona.


When you get back to Arizona, General Vargas will start a conversation with you, and eventually ask to join your party. After he's joined, head forwards until a Ranger shouts out to you, then gets splatted by a Scorcher. Get your team into cover, and stay as far away from the enemy as you can - the flamethrower attack it throws out is deadly. Just like the Scorpitron fight earlier in this section, the Scorcher is particularly vulnerable to energy weapons and whatever explosive devices you can throw its way.

When the enemy's down, heal up and reload your ammo. If you want to hear Matthias' back-chat, don't pick any new fights until he's finished talking over the radio - starting a fight will cut him off. Kill the enemies as you make your way along (chucking a grenade into the centre of the pack is a good start), and be ready to use healing items as and when required.

Next, go inside the Citadel to start a conversation with Matthias. Choose whichever dialogue options you prefer, then destroy the turrets to the rear of the lift so you can get down to the level further down. Before going into the lift, be prepared for a very long fight ahead of you. Take everything you can off Rose too, for reasons that will soon become apparent.

After stepping out of the lift, go along the right-hand side of the area and deeper into the Citadel. You'll trigger another chat with Matthias soon enough, and once the Cochise AI is installed, it'll spread to the other enemies around him. It will also take hold of Rose too, so be ready to blast her to smithereens before getting into cover.

The best way to finish this fight is to get your energy weapon and sniper specialists up near Matthias. This will help you take out the nearby enemies, then push back to the rest of the party to kill any spawning enemies. This fight is quite long and drawn out, so be ready to drop whatever healing options you have as soon as they're needed.

Save the world

General Vargas will tell you to go to Min's workship and detonate the museum nuke to stop the AI from spreading. Go to the north section of the room, then head upstairs towards a locked door. Open it using Computer Science, then talk to Mercaptain. Go through the metallic door and into the central section of the Citadel. You'll find the nuke just down the nearest set of stairs, and past the room where you used to be able pick up explosives. Open the doors with your Lockpicking skill, then interact with the device.

The choice of how to deal with the nuke is yours to make freely. Once you've put the wheels into motion, you'll be treated to a closing cut-scene, as well as a run-down of the effect your choices had on the world.

All of our Wasteland 2 tips can be found via the index page of this walkthrough.

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