XCOM 2 Challenge Mode - How to storm the leaderboards in War of the Chosen's new mode

Publish date: 2023-03-05
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XCOM 2 Challenge Mode is a single-player score attack mode that pits you against other Commanders' efforts to achieve leader board ranking for each of the daily challenges.

Taking control of a pre-determined squad of troops, be they XCOM soldiers, ADVENT Troops, Alien Forces or a mix of all three, you'll tackle single-level mission objectives in a bid to out-manoeuvre the AI and out-score your leader board opposition.

How XCOM 2 Challenge Mode works

Each of the daily challenges will feature an objective that you'll be familiar with, from wiping out all enemy troops to securing a VIP and escorting them to an Evac point.

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The challenge comes from using unfamiliar troops to achieve your objective, and doing so in a manner that scores the most points. Points scored are based on a number of key factors:

One of the key differences here, apart from the troops you'll have at your disposal, is that each challenge is limited to 30 real minutes. Plus, you only get one attempt at completing the level regardless of whether you are successful or not (reloading is not an option!).

How to storm the leaderboards in XCOM 2 Challenge Mode

Practice of both the main game and Challenge Mode will help improve your game, but it's also well worth taking in the following pointers:

If you need more help with XCOM 2's expansion, our XCOM 2: War of the Chosen guide and tips can explain everything you need to know, from how to beat The Chosen Assassin, Warlock and Hunter and the new The Lost, Spectre and Advent units. Combat them by learning about each new faction with our Reaper abilities and skill tree, Skirmisher abilities and skill tree and Templar abilities and skill tree pages, as well as learning about the new Challenge Mode, Resistance Ring, Ability Points, Fatigue and Bonds systems. Good luck, Commander!

Remember, you'll only get one shot at each challenge but another will be along the next day. Good luck, commander!

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